The impact

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Novas pov

The next couple of weeks went smoothly i had gotten closer to Scarlett which i wasnt happy about because i knew eventually i would have to leave and she would forget about me anyways, we are 3 months into filming and they said that filming is going well so im only needed for at least 4 more months and then i can go back home

When i get stressed i have a cigarette that Alexa sneaked in my suitcase and luckily for me no one has caught me yet otherwise i would be in deep shit but its my life i can do whatever i want

Luckily for me Alexa got me a big pack of cigarettes and i still had 15 left, i quickly made my way to the woods behind the set and had a cigarette before spraying myself with some perfume so Scarlett doesnt smell the smoke when i have to go sit with her to do my assignments in 5 minutes

I make my way to Scarletts trailer where she is waiting for me with all my books spread out on her table and it makes me want to die looking at how much work there is

"Fuck my life" i muttered as i walked in seeing the work and i dont think Scarlett heard me so i was safe

"Hey nova bear i spoke to Mr Bedford he said you only have some maths worksheet and you have a english essay to do for today" Scarlett says gesturing me to come and sit down and the thing is with this stupid rule of me having to be with Scarlett or Lizzie for assignments is that neither one of them leave at any point and they always sit right next to me

"Come on Novs the quicker we get it done the better right" Scarlett told me stroking my head as i rested it in my arms on the table and i nodded knowing she was right but it still doesnt motivate me

"Alright so the essay is about Macbeth you have to explain how does the author present the character Macbeth as evil and Violent" Scarlett tells me reading it out from the sheet which i groan before starting to answer the question because i like english class its the maths that i hate

After i wrote for about 15 minutes i was done and i handed Scarlett the paper so she could check it which i dont know why she does that because half of the time she has no clue what half of the work is about but she hands me the maths sheet and i just stare at it because it was the worst bit of maths and where i was the weakest in area and fucking perimeter, no matter how many times i got that stupid Mr Sully to explain it i never understood it and its coming back to bite me in the arse now

But as Scarlett is going through the essay i just decide to put random numbers for the maths questions hoping she was shit at maths and didnt check it over but too my surprise she was fucking amazing at maths which made me want to die even more

"Nova baby did you just put random numbers?" Scarlett asked looking at my sheet with her eyebrow raised which seems to be her signature move and i groan slamming my head on the desk knowing she was going to explain it to me and i would be the same where i didn't understand it

"Alright so remember area is the inside of a shaper where perimeter is the outside and ill give you a tip in a question and it said m squared it means it is an area question" Scarlett said explaining the first one to me as an example and i was actually understanding it a little more than i ever understood with Mr Sully stupid cow and i complete the work and Scarlett smiles as she ticks it all correct

"Thanks Scarlett" i tell her packing some of the books away but she slapped my hands away because she doesnt trust me with the books because she thinks if i take them back to my trailer i would purposely get rid off them to avoid the work so Scarlett keeps them in hers or Lizzies all the time

"Come on Nova bear lets go and get a snack before we have our scene" Scarlett said grabbing my hand without warning and pulling me out of the trailer, she has become less overprotective of me as i am just in a little splint for my hand now as it is healing, when i first broke it she wouldnt even let me go to the bathroom without her waiting outside in case i needed help

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