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Novas Pov

I spent the next few days in bed not wanting to get out of it, I didn't have any reason other than I just wanted to stay in bed and watch movies but it was the fourth day now and I was planning on finishing the hunger games today but obviously I was interrupted by the two scary ladies again

They both walked into my room as I just turned the hunger games on and I wasn't planning on stopping the movie but Scarlett grabbed the remote before I could and turned the whole tv off before smiling at me so I just moved into my laying position again

"Uh uh uh Nono we have a very exciting plan today" Lizzie said pulling me up so I was sitting which made me groan

"Before you say anything we have let you have 3 days in bed doing nothing so you need to get your ass out of bed" Scarlett said coming to the other side of me and kissing the side of my head and I groaned "I was just about to start the hunger games guyyyss" I whine trying to lay back down but I was not allowed

"Nova bear we have the premiere this weekend and we still need to get you a dress, I know you have the heels Florence gave you but we are going shopping for the dresses today" Scarlett said moving the hair out of my eyes and I sighed knowing I was not getting out of this and to be honest I though one of them would have dragged me out of bed sooner than this

"Fine it's not like I have any choice anyways" I say getting up from the bed and getting a pair of shorts out of my wardrobe and a normal black T-shirt, it was hot here so I have been getting used to the heat again and I was about to walk into my bathroom when I realised that I needed to shave and Scarlett took the razors out of here as well

"Scarlett I need my razor" I tell her getting my stuff ready and she doesn't answer so I turn around to her and they both looked worried thinking I was going to do something so I quickly reassured them "No I'm not going to do anything I promise I just need to shave my legs and my armpits, wow thanks for the trust guys" I tell them not wanting to meet their eyes

"It's not that we don't trust you Novs it's just we don't want you hurt" Lizzie says and I go into the bathroom placing my stuff in there before coming back out to get a towel "So am I allowed one or not?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest staring at them and I see them glance at each other and nod

"You can have it Nova because we do trust you but I want to check when your out okay?" Scarlett comprises and I agree thankful she let me shave my body and she goes and gets it and I tell them I'll be maximum 45 minutes and then I just need to do makeup and dry my hair and then we can go and they nod before telling me they will go get started on breakfast

After I got out of the shower I sat down on the desk and begin to do my makeup and I didn't realise any one had come back in until I felt a soft press on the top of my head and I knew it was Scarlett as I could smell her perfume

"The razor is over there on the tv stand if you want to take it back" I tell her finishing off my mascara and she hugs my shoulders before telling me "We are going to trust you and let you keep it Nova but I am going to be doing regular checks" and I nodded knowing it was just her trying to protect me and I grabbed my hairdryer before starting to dry it but I was getting frustrated as it was taking so long so I turned it off barley even changed from how it was better still dripping wet but my arm was aching so I left it and I was about to stand up before I felt a set of hands pull me down onto the chair again and I looked up to see Scarlett smiling down at me and she kissed my nose before grabbing the hair dryer

"I'll dry your hair Nova bear don't worry I know it is a pain sometimes and we can't have you going out with your hair this wet because even though it is hot out you will catch a cold and we do not want a sick Nova do we?" Scarlett said leaving me no time to say anything before she started to comb through my hair and dry it and after a good 20 minutes it was only a little damp so I told her to leave it like that because I was getting a sore arse sitting in this chair and she grabbed my hair and I knew she was starting to braid it but I didn't want to sit on this chair anymore and I think she noticed because she told me to stand up and I'm shorter than her so she was able to continue my hair standing up

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