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*few weeks later*

Ever since i went to the UK i have been feeling sick more and more lately and i think its a sickness i have caught from over there that is really bad but as the weeks went on i started to realise that my period is late ever since the night of the party which makes me panic a little because surely not i cant be pregnant from my first time right so i get up and i was hit with a wave of sickness in which doesnt make me feel better about the situation and im going to have to try and sneak to the store or something to get some pregnancy tests because i cant let Scarlett know and i dont have to keep it hidden for long as filming finished early and we finished in 5 weeks

After my scenes in the morning i went to go find Florence as she wouldnt snitch on me and she wouldnt say anything about it unless i do

"Hey Flo can you take me to the store or something please" i ask her walking into the room and i see Scarletts eyes lock on mine probably wondering why i didnt ask her instead but luckily Florence nodded taking my hand and taking me to her car

"So what do you need from the store it seems very urgent" Florence asked me pulling out of the car park and i turn to face her

"Please dont be mad but you know the day we hung out in the UK instead of going home i kinda went to a party and got really drunk and i had sex with someone and im pretty sure i am pregnant but i need the tests to confirm it" I tell her and i saw her mouth go wide in shock and she just nodded

"No matter what the tests say i will be there for you okay" Florence said taking my hand into hers again and i went inside the store and she picked the tests up and we drove back to set and she told me she was going back to the cast room and once i have the results to call her and she will come to my trailer

*45 minutes later*

I have peed on 3 of the sticks and the timer says 1 minute left but i am nervous because i dont know what i am going to do, i know i could look after a baby but i am 14 years old i dont know if i am ready for that yet but i look at the tests one by one

Test 1 positive test 2 negative and test 3 negative and i slid down the wall fumbling for my phone to call Florence


"Florence it says im pregnant on one of the test and the other two are negative " i wail into the phone and i can hear footsteps in the phone so i know she is on her way here but i felt my chest tightening i tried to take deep breaths like Scarlett had told me to do in this situation but it wasnt working

"Its okay im coming now and we will figure it out together okay" Florence says and i hear her opening the door and coming over to me letting me sob my heart out on her chest "take some deep breaths with me nova thats it your okay" Florence said calming me down and i laid on her lap falling asleep for a while until i was called down for a scene where Scarlett and Lizzie kept asking me what was wrong because my eyes were all bloodshot but i couldnt tell them anything

After that we discussed options on what to do if i am pregnant so Florence booked me in a appointment on the weekend so we could know for sure

The weekend came around quickly and we went to the doctors they told me that i was 8 weeks pregnant and my baby was the size of a kidney bean and i was in shock i didnt know what to do but i looked down at my stomach at my little bean and the only person who knew about this was Florence and i was going to keep it a secret as i am going back to the UK soon anyways and Florence said i should stay with her whilst i am pregnant so she could keep an eye on us but i was panicking i had two negatives when i did the tests so i thought there was a chance it was a false positive but i was wrong

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