Pick up

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Scarlett's pov

I texted Nova a few times when her plane landed and she should be asleep that's why she isn't answering my texts or so I hope, she was acting a little off before she left and Colin told me it was probably because she was sad about leaving but when we got to the airport I saw it in her eyes that she was itching to get away and I don't know what I had done to her but she hardly made eye contact with me when I was telling her goodbye but I might be overreacting

It was the middle of the night for us but the morning for Nova and I was up at 2 so I decided to send a quick message to her wishing her luck today hoping she will go back early but knowing Nova she will be going in later and it will be difficult going back to school now especially when the movie is everywhere she is going to get bombarded in the hallways in her school, just as I am drifting off to sleep again I felt my phone buzz on the bedside table and it was a few emails from Novas school, even though I am in LA the school said they still wanted me on the records but I had Florence added because she is in the UK so if anything happens they know to message Florence first so she can collect her even though she lives 30-45 minutes away from Nova, we also made sure that Florence does weekly checkups with Nova and takes her out for a day a week

I quickly send another message to Nova and I was going to stay awake until she answered, I was worrying too much about what If something is wrong? But my phone brought me out of my thoughts and it was a message from Nova telling me she was on the way to school now and the jet lag got to her which was completely understandable so I told her good luck for today and she didn't reply

Novas pov

I walked into Mr Bedford office and I saw him here on the phone and he smiled when he saw me and he quickly finished his call and came over to me and hugged me, normally people may find this weird but Mr Bedford always looked out for me at school and he got me through so much shit so I was always going to be thankful for him

"Nova I'm going to excuse the lateness today as I know you only flew in yesterday and I have to tell you I saw the movie in the cinema and you were incredible I'm proud of you" Mr Bedford said as I sat in the chair opposite him on his desk and I thanked him before he started to talk about the new school plan for me

"Right well as you know you have to be here for an extra amount of time due to you being away filming but if you do the work at home I'm pretty certain you won't have to stay for long but I don't want any bad behaviour Nova I don't want you getting kicked out of here you are too much of an intelligent person for that" Mr Bedford starts reading off his notes and I agree and promise I will try and be good but Mr Bedford give me a look knowing there was probably going to be an argument in maths today

After he told me a few more things I left the office and I headed to maths class where It started 20 minutes ago and Mr Sully can't moan at me for being late because I was in a meeting but that doesn't stop him trying like per usual, I see Harry smile as I walk into the class and I take my seat next to him hugging him

"That's enough Mrs Williams you are in school for learning not to hug your crushes" Mr Sully said looking right at me which made the whole class turn around and I've noticed ever since I have got back more people have wanted to talk to me, like when I was in the bathroom before coming here loads of girls asked me to take photos with them and I couldn't exactly tell them to fuck off could I?

But I knew I was going to snap at him so I just grabbed my bag and walked out of the class I heard him shout to come back but I just walked into the bathroom and decided to stay in there and have a few puffs of my vape to help me calm down a little bit and I decide to text Scarlett and tell her what has happened so she doesn't try and call me later when she finds out

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