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Novas pov

I sat at the kitchen table with Florence as she pressed the FaceTime button and she took my hand in hers to calm my nerves, Lizzie joined first but we sat in silence which made Lizzie confused until Scarlett joined who has a big smile on her face until she saw my worried one

I was sure on my decision that i didnt want to have this baby, a few weeks ago i had my heart set on keeping little bean but i dont think i am ready for this, i am only 15 and i dont think i would be a good mother right now, i have to take care of myself and i felt like i would go backwards  if i had this baby

"Nova bear whats going on?" Scarletts voice brought me out of my thoughts and i felt the tears threatening to spill and i looked at my lap before talking because i didnt want to see the disappointment on their face

"Im pregnant and i dont think i want to keep the baby" i say and i heard nothing it was silent so i just kept looking down and i felt Florence rubbing the back of my hand still

"Its okay Nova, we will be here whatever you decide to do we aren't disappointed with you Nova bear" i hear Scarlett say and i snap my head up to see her and she doesnt look angry which makes me feel a little more relaxed

"Yeah we are here no matter with Nono" i hear Lizzie say with a smile on her face and we talk about far along i am and Scarlett tells me that she is going to book a flight and come to see me which i tried to protest and tell her not to bother but she wouldnt take no for an answer and Florence started speaking after they knew i wasnt going to say anymore and she shortly hung up after telling me we are going to have some pizza for dinner and we go to the couch and i snuggle up to her

I wake up to see Florence asleep to the side of me so i message Scarlett knowing it was 8pm in LA but it was 1am here but i couldnt go back to sleep now that i am awake and my stomach is hurting a little but it was normal cramps i was thinking so i just sat there leaning into Florence


Nova Bear🧸
Hey Scar x

Hey Novs, what are you
doing up its 1 there x

Nova bear🧸
Cant sleep my stomach
is hurting what are you
guys up to x

Have you got some
medicine, im just sitting
with Rose watching sing x

Nova bear🧸
No i dont want to wake
Flo up she is sitting next to
me but its fine , tell Rose
it is the best movie x

Im sure Florence will be fine
with you waking her up if you
are in pain baby, i tried to tell
Rose to watch something else
but she said she wanted to watch
one of my movies and it is the
only one of my movies she could
watch x

Nova bear🧸
No its fine im sure it will
pass, you should let her
watch under the skin😂 x

Nova even you shouldnt be
watching that and you should
try and go back to sleep baby x

Nova bear🧸
I have no guardian i watch
whatever i want which i am
glad i can do but yeah im
going to try and go to sleep so
goodnight Scarlett❤️x

Goodnight my Nova bear ill be
there at like 6pm UK time as i
am going to get my flight in the
morning x

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