The Boy Born With Everything

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Shoto: Izuko, can we talk?

Izuko: Sure.

They walked somewhere and then stopped in a hallway.

Izuko: What did you wanna talk to me about? If we don't hurry, the cafeteria will probably be really crowded and extremely hangry.

Shoto stayed silent.

Izuko: Nice weather we're having huh?

Shoto stayed silent.

Izuko: Momo Yaozorou has a crush on you.

Shoto had a slight blush after hearing this. Little did Shoto know, Izuko had a small camera on his body and microphone and Mina was watching this.

Mina: Let's go. I knew it!

Mina said this in a hushed voice and looked back at her camera.

Izuko's thoughts: He gives off a cold intimidation, different from Kacchan...

Todoroki: I was overpowered, so much so that I broke my pledge.

Izuko: I see...

Izuko's thoughts: He didn't use it even if it would be to his advantage. His left side...

Shoto's hand started moving from his pocket and he looked at the palm of his hand.

Shoto: Ida, Kaminari, Yaozorou, Tokoyami, Uraraka, none of them felt it.

Shoto remembered when Izuko and Shoto had clashed, his fire against One For All but it was slowed down.

Shoto: At that last instant, I was the only one who was overpowered. Only me, who had experienced the power of your quirk up close. 

Shoto remembered Izuko using One For All while fighting Izuku Midroyia who was using his All For One quirk before looking back at Izuko.

Izuko: What does that mean?

Shoto: And you have a similar power like AllMight.

Izuko gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

Shoto: Bate, are you AllMight's secret love child or something?

Not so far away, Katsuki was covering his moths and laughing so hard and Mina heard this and Yaozorou was laughing to their heart's content. Izuko just stood there and facepalmed.


Izuko's eyes widened as he remembered the declaration of war Shoto made on him.

Shoto: AllMight has his eye on  you, doesn't he? 

Izuko's thoughts: I-I he was thinking that because my usage of One For All is similar to AllMight's usage of One For All.

Izuko: Todoroki, that's wrong! Th-That's not true! My dad isn't AllMight! I mean, even if I was, I would say I wasn't, so I don't think you'd believe me. But anyway, that's not even remotely close to the truth.

Shoto: Then who is it?

Izuko: His name is Hisashi Midoryia.

The whole country heard this and Izuku was literally started choking in Katsudon after hearing this.


All For One: I did not see that coming.

Shigaraki: Let's do a kidnapping.

Dabi: Bro folded the son of All For One like he was doing origami, we stand no chance.

Izuko: In the first place, let me ask you something. Why do you think that about me? 

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