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I woke up the next morning and sat up straight and started thinking. Before I knew it I was glancing out the window. Staring at the sunlight and clouds floating around the trees that stood so tall. Wondering what he was doing, and if possible, could it be done together. Me and him. All of us. I shrugged the idea off my shoulders and decided to put some clothes on. Don't need to be around here just moping about. Need to get my ass out of the house and out of this big ass head of mine. I headed for my bathroom when I heard my phone go off. Sounds like a text message. I walked back over to my phone on my bed and picked it up.
Lil Bro: Hey Big bro, I talked to pops.
Suddenly I lost all feeling in my legs.
Pull it together, Ty.
I texted back: Hey, what's going on?
Nun much, he asked about you.
He did?
Yeah, big bro.
What did you say?
That I chopped it up with you last night.
Oh okok.
I think y'all should meet up, big bro.
For what? I'm telling you, he's gonna want me to kiss her ass and ya big bro is not going for that.
Shit, I feel you on that tho. But just hear him out.
I thought about what my little brother was saying. My relationship with him was different than his. All the history we've had and accumulated feels like it's being put on halt. All because of her.
Okay lil bro. I'll reach out.
Thank you big bro, let me know how it goes whenever you do.
I sent the lock emoji and scrolled to the Ps in my contact list.
I tapped on the contact and sent a text.
Hey pops, can we meet up? 4 o'clock, The Hotspot.
I'll see you there.
Remaining stunned at the fact he responded so quickly, I tried to get myself together as I got dressed for a meet up I was sure wasn't going to end well. Just hear him out, Ty. Just hear him out.

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