Meet me in the Tunnel

2 1 0

May 7th
Day 7

Forming of the Story

Genre: Romance
Theme: love

Story told by:
Lorene McCormick—1st person

About: Lorene and Julia are two young and very indecisive teenagers. Lorene knows she's in love, but Julia seems to be stuck in a world of emotions.

Meet me in the Tunnel


|Rough Draft|

The ground was cold underneath me as I pulled my knees into my chest, taking in the musty odor from last night's storm. But next to me, Julia's scent of...

I felt her hand move and seconds later, the flashlight from her phone came on. She softly giggled as I threw up a hand, squinting my eyes to keep the light out.

"Woah, watch where you shine that thing." I said. She rolled her eyes, her smile so gentle, a dimple showing off her left cheek....

She was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen; it was a cliche thing to think, but I'd honestly never felt this way with anyone else—at least, not since second grade, but we're not going to talk about that.

I've always been shy, and words didn't come easily, but Julia, I was expecting her to have said a dozen words by now. She crossed her legs and then slid her phone in the middle of us.

"So, take any good pictures today?" I awkwardly asked.

She just laughed again. I think she was more nervous than I was. But then she shook her head. "Not really." She shrugged before lowering her hand, drawing circles in the dirt.

I really didn't know what to say. Man I hate myself for not being more assertive—how do I make a move without being any more awkward?

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my playlist...

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