Title (General Fic)

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May 18th
Day 18

Forming of the Story

Genre: General Fiction (I think)
Sub Genre:
Theme: Family

Story told by:
Narrator—3rd person

About: Jaime returns to her childhood home and all the memories that come with being back, takes her on a rollercoaster ride that she understands better now that she's older.


Any suggestions?

|Rough Draft|

The door was heavy as I pushed up against it with all my weight. It barely moved then, but when I finally worked it over a lift in the floorboard, it grated open and whistled on its hinges, revealing a very old, mold-scented house—to put it very nicely.

I carefully stepped in and then tried to shut it back, 

If I thought the outside was what made this place seem so unfamiliar: overgrown grass and weed. Holes that had to have come from the county-strays that were always around when I was younger, I should've waited until I seen the inside.


To Run With the Words From Her Mouth |A Writing Journal|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें