Whispers in the Wind (15)

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May 15th
Day 15

Forming of the Story

Genre: Paranormal
Sub Genre:

Story told by:
Narrator—3rd person


8. Your father is paranoid and locks every door and window each night out of fear of "the monsters." You think he is crazy until you begin to hear voices whisper to you outside the window...


Whispers in the Wind
Midnight's disease
The Secrets We Keep

|Rough Draft|

Allison watched as her father paced around the room. He fiddled with a string tied around his neck like a necklace, nervously mumbling under his breath as he stopped in front of the window by the door.

The room was cold, and it would've been quiet had her dad not been walking around, and the fire in the fireplace wasn't eating away at the wood—crackling, breaking it down to pieces.

"Your mother should've been back by now." He said, wrapping his pale hands around the key and yanking it from his neck. He stepped up to the window and stuck the key in, turning it sharply and locking it.

"She's probably on her way now." Allison tried to reassure him. "Can't you go one night without locking us in?"

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