Embracing Tomorrow (Undecided)

3 1 0

May 8th
Day 8

Forming of the Story

Genre: General Fiction
Theme: Family

Story told by:
Lorain Thompson—1st person

About: Life has never come easy for Lorain, a teenager forced to grow up fast. While taking care of her little sister, Lorain is determined to show her that life has a lot of good things to offer.


-A Guiding Light
-Big Girls Don't Cry
-Cherished Moments
-Embracing Tomorrow
-Long Past Mia
-Raising Janie
-Small Steps to Fill
-Thanks For Nothing
-Wiping Her Tears Away

About: Lorain, a teenager forced to grow up fast, raises her little sister to hold hope close and to embrace whatever tomorrow might bring.


|Rough Draft|

I walked down the sidewalk, the change in my pocket jingling as the bag in my hand swayed back and forth. The sun overhead blazed down on me and the cars that drove by, their music rocked the ground, sending a wave of vibration through me.

House by house, I strolled by them with my earphones in and

House by house, I walked by them with my earphones in and my chin up, because I had to let them know I was the girl. The girl who has waned this block. That girl who didn't need much to get by. That girl who danced to a boy who drummed on a trash can.

I passed the red bricks of my neighbors and gave him a wave as he chewed on a straw and talked to two other people who sat on his porch. The old man laughed and then stuck out his hand to give one of the man's

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