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May 11th
Day 11

Forming of the Story

Genre: Science Fiction
Sub Genre: Post-Apocalypse
Theme: Survival

Story told by:
Narrative—3rd person



About: The year is 173C, law and morals have collapsed, and the rich now have a hold on the poor, using them to get...

|Rough Draft|

Jonathan stood inches from the door. He dug his boot into the sand, his hands wiggling two thin pins in the doorknob's lock. As soon as he heard the click, he circled his finger, signaling for both Noah and Ash to get ready.

Shadows hovered over him, light breaths raining down on him as he slowly turned the knob and cautiously pushed on the door; it opened with a low screech, presenting a dark and empty room.

Jonathan crept inside. He reached for something at his belt—a small, silver ball that he flicked his finger over and then rolled on the ground. Suddenly, the room lit up and

To Run With the Words From Her Mouth |A Writing Journal|Where stories live. Discover now