Saturday night

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It was already after 8pm when we got back to the apartment and I was suddenly very aware of how gross I probably looked, I hadn't even showered after volleyball practice and I was still wearing my uniform under Niall's hoodie. He must have seen me looking uncomfortable because he came over to me.

"Hey are you okay?" He asked concern etched on his face.

"Yeah, sorry, I was just thinking about how gross I look" I answered flaring my arms out to emphasise but I noticed the confused look on Niall's face and added "I'm still in my volleyball uniform and I havent showered"

"Oh" Niall nodded "You don't look gross but you can have a shower if you want"

"I don't have any..." I started but Niall cut me off.

"You can borrow some clothes" He smiled knowing what I was about to say.

"Thank you" I smiled and he lead me to his room. He told me to pick something from his draws and showed me where the towels were before leaving me to it. The shower was a lot nicer than my one at home, it had two shower heads and pretty good pressure. I tried not to be too long seeing as I was at someone else's house but it was pretty relaxing. I washed myself using the manly shower gel and hoped out as fast as I could. I wrapped myself in the towel and bolted across to Niall's room, luckily I could hear lots of noise coming from down the hall so I knew the boys were all in the kitchen still. I pulled on some sweatpants and a tshirt I got from Niall's draws and pulled back my hair before walking down to join the boys again.

"The food will be here soon" Louis piped up "Hope you like mexican"

"Never had it" I shrugged and all their jaws dropped simultaneously. 

"What?" Harry said shocked.

"Do you live under a rock or something? "Louis asked "First you didn't know who we were, then you say you haven't travelled and now you say you've never had mexican food before"

"Yeah I guess you could say I live under a rock" I sighed sitting down at one of the barstools beside Zayn.

"Well you're missing out" Zayn said shaking his head.

"Don't worry, there's probably a lot of firsts it sounds like you'll experience with us" Niall said but then Louis started cracking up and was almost on the floor, Harry and Liam started laughing too but Zayn just shook his head at them "Oh I didn't mean it like that you perve"

"I know which is why it's funny" Louis laughed. The door buzzer suddenly went off "Someone else get that, I'm dying here" Liam sighed and went to the door, he came back with bags full of food.

"Geez how much did you guys order" Zayn said eyeing the bags.

"Lots" Louis and Niall said in unison. They spread all the food out on the counter, there were bowls of different kinds of foods, rice, beans, salad along with a few trays of other things.

"They're tacos, burritos and those ones are quesadillas" Liam said pointing out each one to me, it all looked so good. "And here's the toppings" He pulled out various containers, guacamole, sour cream, salsa and cheese.

"You first" Niall said handing me a plate. I didnt even realise how hungry I was until now. I put a bunch of random things onto my plate and returned to my seat at the island to eat. 

"This is so good" I said after I finished the first taco. We all ate and I was surprised we almost managed to eat all of the food.

"What's the plan now?" Louis asked.

"Well Ari is on her way to pick me up, she just finished her shift" Zayn said standing up and putting his plate in the sink "So I'll see you losers tomorrow, bye Maddie" I gave him a small wave as he left

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