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I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and sat up, looking around the room I was in I was confused, the green and purple of my room was replaced by blue and grey, there was a big double bed in the middle of the room against the wall in which I was sitting, there was also a set of draws with clothes bulging out of and two guitars in the corner, this wasn't my room, where was I? I started worrying for a second but the buzz of my phone coming from the nightstand made me redirect my thoughts. I reached over to pick it up seeing there was a message from Jake.

From: Jake <3

Can we please talk Maddie. 

Suddenly I remembered the previous nights events, Jake had cheated on me and I met Niall, this must be his room.I realised there was still a heart next to Jake's name on my phone so I edited the contact and removed it. I pulled myself out of bed and seen that I still had on my volleyball uniform and Niall's hoodie overtop.

I walked down the hall until I found a bathroom, I walked in closing the door behind me and did my business, after I had used the toilet and washed my hands I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked absolutely terrible, my mascara was smudged and had ran everywhere, and it was meant to be waterproof, stuff you mabeline. I splashed water over my puffy eyes hoping to make the redness go down, I then dried my face and exited the bathroom.

I then went on a mission to find out where Niall was. This apartment was actually quite big and along the hallway there were closed doors but I figured they would be bedrooms so I kept walking trying to find a kitchen or living room hoping that was maybe where Niall was. 

At the end of the hall I found what had to be the kitchen, I stepped through the doorway and when I walked into the kitchen, there facing away from me and rummaging through the fridge was a mostly naked guy. His brown hair was curly and it puffed out everywhere, his back was really tanned, and toned. I noticed the black ink of tattoos covering his arm that was visible to me. I cleared my throat letting him know I was there and he spun around facing me. He glanced up and down at me quickly before a big grin spread across his face showing his dimples. 

"Hey love I'm Harry" He said extending out his hand. I could see even more of his tattoos now he was facing me, they were on his torso and both his arms were covered. 

"Umm hello" I said, not sure if I could trust him or not but I shook his hand anyway. "Im Madison"

"Want a sandwich?" Harry asked as he pulled ingredients from the fridge.

"No thanks, I'm fine" I smiled. This was a bit awkward, Where was Niall? I hope Harry didn't think Niall and I had a one night stand or anything. 

"Hey Styles have you seen my.." Niall said as he walked into the kitchen shirtless but in black skinny jeans, he noticed me there and stopped. "Hey Maddie, how are you feeling? Good sleep?" He asked me. What's with these guys and being half naked I thought to myself although I wasn't complaining at all.

"Yeah okay" I said "and good I guess, I can't really remember" I told him.

"Well I'm going to get dressed, I've got rehearsal, remember, don't be late Ni" Harry said waving his sandwich at Niall . "And it's on the coffee table, under our magazine"

"What is?" Niall questioned him.

"Your phone, that's what you wanted isn't it" Harry replied.

After Harry left Niall lead me into the lounge and sat me down.

"What happened last night?" I asked him "Why am I here and not at my house?"

"Well you fell asleep in my car before I could ask where you lived, I didn't know so I just bought you back here, I knew Harry wouldn't have minded, you don't mind do you?, its just I didn't know where you lived and I didn't want to wake you up, you looked so peaceful and I know you had a hard day" Niall blurted out. I was the stupid one for falling asleep but I was really tired, I guess I had to have trusted him in my gut to fall asleep aftercall. 

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