The (ex) boyfriend.

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I got out of my volleyball club meeting early and decided to get some coffee and head over to my boyfriend Jake's house to surprise him. As I was riding the bus I scrolled through instagram, there were a few cool pics but nothing that interesting so I logged into facebook, a few of my friends had new relationship status' but other than that it was much the same as Instagram, pretty boring. For the rest of the ride I sat in silence staring out the window.

It was now 4:20pm and I was right outside Jake's apartment, I didn't text him like I would usually do because I wanted to surprise him. I hurriedly walked up the stairs, as I neared his floor I got more excited to see my boyfriend, he was the most popular guy in school, he had shaggy brown hair which I adored and he had a little fuzz on his face but I didn't mind, I thought it made him look even hotter. When I approached Jake's building I let out my hair and shook my head, I got a wolf whistle from some teenage boys coming down the stairs, I flipped them off as they passed and continued up the stairs.

I approached Jake's door, I knew where the spare key was, behind a picture hanging outside, So I untaped it, and unlocked the door. I walked into Jakes flat, the tv was on, playing some cartoons but Jake wasn't in the room. I made my way to his room but I heard voices, one was Jake but the other I didn't recognise, I couldn't quite hear what they were saying, I burst through the door, anger boiled inside  me as I realised what was going on.

Jake, my supposed boyfriend was half naked on top of a half naked girl. They were in just their underwear, Jake supported himself, hovering over her, just mere centimetres from touching his lips to hers.

"Jake, what the fuck" I yelled at him, he looked up at me in shock before standing up and coming towards me.

"Babe.." He started, reaching out for me.

"Enough with that JAKE" I screamed at him stepping away. "Who the fuck is that" I pointed towards the girl in his bed, I felt myself get nauseous as I realised Jake and I had sex in that very spot, and more than once.

"Maddie, I'm sorry, this is a mistake, she's just some random, please believe me, please, Maddie, I love you" He pleaded with me, I wasn't buying it though.
I had to stay strong, tears threatened to come but I didn't let them.

"Whatever Jake, I'm not buying it" I said.

I was through with the anger now, I just wanted to get out of here, I couldn't look at the girl, she had now managed to pull on her clothes, but she still sat on his bed. I turned towards the door.

"Maddie please, can we just talk about it, please" Jake begged. I didn't even turn around.

"There's nothing to talk about" I said "bye" I added then walked through the lounge and out into the hallway, the tears were still threatening to spill from my eyes but again I fought them.

When I got out onto the street I ran, I didn't know where I was going but I just ran, it was the easiest thing to do, it calmed my nerves a little.
About 20 minutes later I come to a small park, I stopped running to catch my breath, that's when I collapsed on a park bench and the tears started coming hard and fast.

I'm not sure how long I had been there for crying but it was starting to get dark so I guessed it had been a while. I wiped my tear stained face on my shirt and stood to my feet, I probably should get home. I set off running in the direction of my house, my appearance causing a few people to frown at me in concern but I kept going. I couldn't stop the thoughts rushing around my head as my feet pounded on the pavement, I don't know why Jake did that, why would he cheat on me? I thought he loved me, he told me everyday, but maybe he never meant it, was I just some naive girl. 

The more I thought about it my stomach started to churn, had he done this the whole time we had been dating? Was it just luck that I had caught him? If I had text him to tell him I was on my way over like I usually did he would have had time to get rid of her before I showed up and I would never have known. I felt my head spinning with all these questions and it suddenly felt too much, as I looked up again I could see a body but it was too late I collided with it and fell to the ground, as I landed with a thump on the ground a sigh left my body, I could feel the tears threatening to escape again and I tried to push them back, I wiped my hands over my eyes but it wasn't any use and I sighed in defeat and just let them fall, what a day.  

"Hey, I'm sorry, no need to cry, it was an accident, I'm so sorry" I was suddenly aware that there was actually someone else there, I must have ran into them. I glanced up to where the voice came from and could feel my cheeks flush bright red as I took in this guys features. He had the kindest bright blue eyes I had ever seen, his blonde hair was styled into a quiff and his eyebrows were stuck in a concerned frown. He extended his hand out for me to take hold of and I accepted his help, he pulled me to my feel and I brushed myself off. I probably looked absolutely horrible right now which just made this even more embarrassing. "Are you ok?" He asked wiping my eyes with his thumb. I looked up at him and nodded he smiled at me, he had a nice smile too. This boy who I didn't even know was being so kind which made me cry even more. "Hey it's alright, a pretty girl like you doesn't need to cry" His Irish accent was strong. I hadn't realised the tears were still falling at this point so I used my shirt again to wipe them away. 

He lead me over to a park bench and sat me down, he put his arm around me and I leant on his shoulder, sobbing. I don't know why I trusted this guy or why he even cared but right now I was just happy for his company. 

"If you wanna talk I'll listen, If not then I'll just stay with you until you've calmed down enough to get home safely" 

"Thank you" I sniffed. 

"My name's Niall by the way" He said with a smile "What's yours?"


"Nice to meet you Maddie, now do you often run through the park crying or had it just been a rough day?" I half laughed at this and I was glad that this boy was actually helping to change my mood. 

"No I don't make a habit of it" I smiled at Niall "I just....well umm....after school I went to my boyfriends house" I sighed and put my head in my hands, I felt Niall's arm wrap around my shoulder and he started rubbing my arm to comfort me which gave me the strength to carry on "I walked in and...and I found him with another girl"

"Oh shit" Niall said sucking in a breath in shock.

"Yeah, not exactly what I wanted to walk in to today" 

"So what did you do?" 

"I yelled at him and left" I shrugged.

"Nice" Niall laughed.

"He said he was sorry but I haven't got the time for apologies, he shouldn't have cheated in the first place"

"Exactly" Niall said nodding. "Well he doesn't know what he's missing out on then does he love" 

"I guess" I said not really believing him, but agreeing anyway. He moved so he could sit up and look and me.

"What do ya mean ya guess?" He asked looking into my eyes "You're perfect, don't let anyone tell you otherwise"

"Thanks Niall" I said blushing.

It was almost fully dark by now and it was getting chilly as I was only in my volleyball uniform, shorts and singlet. Niall must have noticed because he pulled of his hoodie and gave it to me.

"Thanks" I said putting it over my head.

"Do you want a ride home" he asked. Why was this boy being so nice, I was grateful though, he was really good looking, blonde hair with brown roots which made it look that much better and his accent, oh my, it was perfect, I wanted him to keep talking forever. I realised I hadn't answered him yet, I had just been staring at him.

"Umm yeah sure, if you don't mind, I'm tired and can't be bothered walking" I said, it was the truth after all. All the running and emotions had really taken it's toll on me. My parents would probably kill me for accepting a ride from a stranger and I knew I shouldn't but if today ended with me being kidnapped would it really be that bad, I internally shrugged and laughed at myself.

"Yeah sure thing love, I don't mind" Niall said standing up, he grabbed my hand and walked me over to his car.

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