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Once Niall and I were back at his and Harry's apartment we decided to watch a movie, he let me pick and of course I chose The Maze Runner. I got comfortable on the couch while Niall was doing something in the kitchen, he came back moments later with the biggest bowl of popcorn I had ever seen.

"Just the necessities" He grinned handing me a can of coke  "Good movie choice" He said plonking down beside me. We sat in silence watching the movie until about halfway through, when Niall put his arm around me, I got an instant rush of butterflies but I tried to contain myself, I didn't want to be too obvious and besides he was probably doing it as nothing more than a platonic thing. I was snapped from my thoughts when my phone buzzed in my pocket, well the pocket of Niall's hoodie I was still wearing,  It was a text message from Ari, I was glad we had exchanged numbers before we left.

From Ari:

Hey Maddie, I had fun today, wanna hang out again tomorrow while the boys work?

I typed a quick reply saying that I would love to, I was happy that I had some new friends now.

"What's made you so smiley?" Niall asked giving me a little nudge with his elbow in a playful manner. 

"Ari just asked if I wanted to hang out with her tomorrow and I don't really have many friends so I'm happy that she actually wants to" I admitted.

"Oh thats cool, I'm glad you have her now, just dont forget about me" Niall laughed.

"Of course not" I giggled back.

The movie ended and we just sat there talking and scrolling through our phones before I started to get bored. 

"I'm bored Ni, lets go do something" I whined to him using the same nickname I had heard Harry use.

"Ok whataya wanna do?" He asked me. He turned around and faced me, looking into my eyes.

"Well what do you usually do around here" I asked.

"Play Fifa or COD with some of the lads, chill at the mall or kick a ball round at the park" he replied shrugging his shoulders. 

"Let's do that then" I said jumping off the couch and pulling Niall up with me.

"What one?" He asked laughing.

"All 3" I answered walking towards the game system and the hundreds of games in the corner.

"Okay then, sounds like a good time to me" Niall laughed

 "You ring the boys and see if they can come over" I asked Niall. He nodded and pulled out his phone. As Niall rang I tried, and failed to set up the playstation,giving up I went into the kitchen to grab a drink. 

"Whataya up ta?" Niall asks casually walking into the kitchen, he hoists himself up onto the bench, his feet dangling down which makes him look more like a child. 

"Needed a drink" I said holding up the glass "What did the boys say?"

"They all agreed to come over and they should be here soon"  

"Great" I grinned.

"Although Louis wasn't too happy, he apparently had plans but Harry convinced him" Niall laughed.

"Yeah I dont think Louis likes me that much" I admit.

"He will, he's just a bit cautious at the start with everyone new, once you get to see the real Lou you'll love him too" 

"I hope so" I said and finished my drink "I thought Harry lived here"

"He does" Niall nodded. "He just spends a lot of time over at the other house, where Louis and Zayn live, Liam, Harry and I live here together"

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