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The boys were currently at the studio doing whatever it was they had to do today and Ari and I had headed to the mall, she said she needed help picking out a dress for an upcoming event but so far we had no luck.

"Uh I'm hungry wanna go to the food court?" She asked putting another dress back on the rack.

"Yeah sure" I said and we made our way to the food court area. We both ordered from a place selling greek style food which I had also never had before but it looked great, Ari paid for mine although I argued about that she insisted. We found a table out of the way from everyone else and proceeded to eat while we chatted away until a small group of girls came up to our table.

"Omg are you Ari?" One of them asked and Ari nodded her head smiling politely at the girls. 

"I knew it" Said another one.

"Can we take a photo with you?" A different girl asked. Ari agreed and they took some photos, they thanked her and went away.

"Don't tell me you're famous too and we're going to have to escape out the back again" I laughed.

"No, I'm not famous, just for being  Zayn's girlfriend but you'll get that soon once you and Niall go public" She smiled at me.

"Umm we're not dating" I awkwardly replied.

"Yeah I know" She said "Not yet anyway" She pointed her fork at me and I blushed, we both laughed. We ate the rest of our lunch and headed off again in search of a dress for Ari.

"This one is cute" I said holding up a light blue coloured floor length fitted dress.

"Oh that's so pretty" Ari said her eyes lighting up "Try it on"


"Yes silly, you'll need a dress too" 

"Why?" I was a little confused.

"For when Niall asks you" 

"He's not going to ask me" I argued "And besides I can't afford this" The price tag had $245 on it.

"I bet you he asks you" 

"I bet he won't"

"I bet the dress he does" She argued back.

"Okay fine" I said putting the dress back on the rack.

"You like this one?" Ari asked holding up a red dress to her body.

"Oh absolutely" I beamed. It was gorgeous. She tried it on, ended up loving it and got it straight away even with the almost $300 price tag, I guess that's what it's like being rich, never having to think about the price of anything. 

We made it back to the studio right as the boys were finishing up, Paul greeted Ari and I as we entered the building and then her and Zayn left pretty much straight away, we exchanged goodbyes and said we'd text each other.

The other boys were mucking around in the lounge room space and as soon as he seen me Louis came jogging up to me.

"You didn't see anything this morning okay love" He said to me, I frowned, I was a little confused about why he would say something like this to me, I looked over at Niall and he started coming towards us "Okay? Louis questioned and I nodded and he left so sit on the couch.

"Hey I'm so sorry but management want to have a talk with you" Niall said, he was rubbing the back of his neck and he looked stressed.

"About what?" I questioned.

"Just the usual stuff when people start getting close to us, they'll get you to sign a NDA but I can come in with you" 

"A NDA, why?" I questioned.

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