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 School was hell.

Everyone had learnt about Jake cheating on me at I was the joke of the whole school. I was getting little sniggers as I walked through the corridors, people where whispering and pointing, I couldn't escape it. I'm not quite sure why I was getting all of this, he was the one who cheated, shouldn't they be making fun of him? 

I had made it through my first 2 classes without too much incident but of course Jake was in my next class, I avoided him for as long as possible but unfortunately he followed me out into the corridor.  

"Why are you avoiding me?" He yelled running to catch up to me, I picked up my pace hoping he would just give up but I knew deep down he wouldn't. "Don't walk away, I'm talking to you" I flip around and stop in my tracks.

"I don't want to talk to you" I scream back.

"Why?" He stands right in front of me, his brown eyes frowning, arms crossed.

"Oh I wonder why Jake" I spit out rolling my eyes.

"You're such a bitch, you know that? I'm just trying to be nice so we can work this out" I was so mad at this point, who did he think he was.

"Oh I'm the bitch am I? Yeah sure, I walked in on you and another girl and it was my fault, please forgive me?" I said sarcastically "You are absolute scum" I spit out, there's a shocked look on his face but I keep going "I never want to see you again" Somehow I knew that wasn't possible, we go to the same school but if somehow I did happen to never see him again I would be the happiest girl in the world. 

"You get a new boyfriend and suddenly you think you can talk back to me, is that it?" He yells stepping closer. New boyfriend? What was he talking about. I suddenly remembered He had spoken to Liam and Louis on the phone and I mentally laughed.

"Neither of them are my boyfriend" I sighed.

"Geez you really are a slut" He spits "Your sister said you weren't home all weekend and all I did was worry about you and there you were off with a couple of guys" He flings his hands around.

"Why does it matter to you who I spend time with?" 

"Umm maybe because I'm your boyfriend so you shouldnt be with other guys" I actually laughed at this and he looked at me confused.

"Oh that's how it works is it?" I facepalm myself "And I am definitely not your girlfriend anymore"

"Yes you are, I didn't break up with you" He argued back.

"Omg" I yelled "How dense can you be, I broke up with you, that's it, were over, done"

"You can't break up with me" He shakes his head.

"Well guess what, I did"

"You'll come crawling back when your new boyfriend turns out to be a wanker" He puffed out his chest like he's so much better than everyone else.

"Pfft" I laughed "For starters I would never come crawling back to you, and secondly he's a better man than you'll ever be" Jake didn't like that at all so I kept going, twisting the knife deeper and it felt good "He treats me with respect, they all do and you are just a prick, you never really cared about me at all, you're a nasty guy and you treat girls like objects, I pray you will never be happy and I hope you rot in hell" 

I didn't even have time to react before I felt the sharp pain of his palm colliding with my cheek. As soon as it happened I was furious, I pushed away the burning pain on the side of my face. By this time there was quite a crowd of people around us and they all did a sharp intake of breath when he did that. I looked back at Jake, his hands now back by his side, I shook my head and then lunged forward at him my fist hitting the centre of his face. He definitely wasn't expecting that which made me happy but he was just as shocked as I was. That hurt like a motherfucker but I was happy I had done it, that was until I heard the principal yelling my name.

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