Chapter 24: Helpless

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"Hearts are wild creatures 
that's why our ribs are cages"

"Luca, Are you scared?" Alessio knew the answer to that question but he had to try making conversation. He knew Luca could speak but...
Luca mentally face-palmed himself. How stupid is he? He wasn't scared anymore just confused and very frustrated. His arm hurt now thanks to him.
Luca put his head up and let go of his arm. He bit his lip trying not to make a sound.

Alessio knew there was no point in him answering and then he saw his arm. He was wearing Alessio's baggy grey hoodie and Alessio could see the red blood stained on his arm. Fuck! It was bleeding. He should have noticed it earlier.

"Luca." Again with the fucking name. Luca pushed his head further into his knees. Alessio sighed. He reached for the cabinet which was around where Luca was sitting. As he extended his arm to open the door, he heard Luca flinch at the noise but quickly regained his posture. 

He opened the cabinet as quietly as possible and took out the anti-septic and some cotton like a mouse. The sound of the latch clicking made Luca tense up even more.

Alessio hated how helpless he was. He couldn't do anything. He just had to sit there and watch his so—Luca suffer. Alessio realized his fist was clenched, and he quickly unclenched his fists. He didn't need a repeat of the bathroom. He took a deep breath and tried to calm down. 

He grabbed the cotton and broke it into a piece and dipped it in the anti-septic.

"Luca" Why does he have to keep saying his name?

"Your- uh -gonna have to roll your hoodie?" Luca looked up, tilted his head, and frowned. What in the world is a 'hoodie'?

"You—your hoodie—you have—okay, never mind. I'll just show you." Alessio put the cotton down on the plastic packet it came in.

Alessio awkwardly rolled up his hoodie only to his arm. He did not need Luca to see his scars. Absolutely not.

Luca awkwardly mimicked Alessio's actions but he was much more shy and a tiny tiny bit scared.

"Good job," Alessio said softly. He picked up the antiseptic-soaked cotton again. He sat cross-legged in the corner of the bathroom just near Luca. Luca was trying his best not to flinch. Ugh, Why did Alessio have to be so scary?

"This might sting a bit, but I'll be as gentle as I can," Alessio said, pursing his lips. He lightly gripped Luca's arm with his left hand and, with his right, he carefully dabbed the antiseptic-soaked cotton onto the wound.

Luca flinched at the initial contact, his body tensing up. Alessio tried to keep a steady grip and make sure he was not holding too tightly. He was actually scared that he might mess this up. Usually, when he gets cut (which happens a lot no thanks to him) he would just dab the cotton and rub it harshly, and be done with it in a nanosecond.

Whereas with Luca he was gently dabbing it and literally checking to see his reaction. At first Luca's face flushed that Alessio was looking at him straight (look Alessio can do something straight) in the eye and he quickly looked away but then...Luca realized Alessio was checking to see if he was okay.

He got so happy. Luca had to stop himself from smiling and laughing. How could that hurt him? Luca wanted to grab the cotton and finish it in a second but he didn't have the guts to do it.

Alessio saw Luca trying not to smile and failing...miserably. He frowned. 

'What the ACTUAL fuck' was the only thought that came to Alessio's mind. He was just scared a second ago. Damn it! Kids are confusing! Luca's smile came and went quicker than a futuristic bullet train.

 By the time Alessio was done the room was filled with the faint scent of antiseptic which Alessio liked for some sticking reason.

Alessio didn't put a bandage on it because medically it wasn't necessary and he didn't want to infantilize Luca any more than necessary. He stepped back and put the supplies back in the cupboard. He'd done this a million times, He still does...Lock himself in the bathroom and take out the cotton and medicine but never for someone else...

"Come on," Alessio said. On second thought Luca probably shouldn't get up because of his ribs being—And he got up from the floor. Alessio made a mental note to tell Luca not to do that.

Luca was confused. He thought he was supposed to have a bath...

Alessio opened the door for Luca which he wasn't used to. Usually, he had to open doors by himself no matter how injured or sleepy he was.

Luca stepped out of the bathroom and he couldn't believe how big Alessio's room is usually he would keep his head down. All this for one person...

Alessio actually missed his real bedroom. The house in Italy was way too fancy for him. In his bedroom, he had tons of books which were very messy. He definitely needed to clean that up. Damn it! He should have listened to Matt.

He gestured for Luca to sit down which Luca thought was weird. Shouldn't Alessio sit down and why is Alessio giving him such a big bed? Luca hated how clueless he is.

Alessio grabbed a chair from the desk. He placed the chair directly opposite Luca. Luca immediately put his head down. Alessio rolled his eyes. He knew it wasn't Luca's fault...

None of it was Luca's fault it was all his.

"Luca, you don't have to put your head down.". Luca reluctantly and cautiously lifted his head. He could see Alessio clearly now. Alessio looked a bit scary, but Luca shut his fear down, being scared made him do stupid things like talking or dropping or tripping—No he needed to focus on what.

Alessio leaned back in the chair. He could see how tense Luca is you'd think this was a job interview. 

"Luca," Pronouns exist...

"I'm not mad or angry at you. Okay?" Luca nodded suspiciously. This is so... weird

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