Part 17

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You and Eteled have been listening to Sam for a bit, while she had the Wii off, but nothing was of that much importance until you heard her answer a Skype call and heard Kyle on the other end. Eteled started towards the button to turn on the Wii, but you grabbed him and held him back. Somehow, your low-poly body is stronger than his well-trained Wii sports boss of a Mii, and you hold him back before he can do anything.

"(y/n), LET ME GO!" Eteled scolded. "LET ME GO!"

"Eteled, NO!" You yell back, sternly. "I'm NOT letting you do this! She's just going to talk to him. It's fine."

"It's not fine!" 

Little did you know, Eteled was right. 

"All right, listen to me very carefully. We don't have much time." Kyle told Sam, quickly, coldly, and sternly. 

"Well, can I at least know who you are?" Sam retorted, confused.

"My name is Kyle Sanders and I believe that you own a Nintendo Wii that was previously mine." Kyle explained.

Sam sat in silence for a second, probably shocked, but you couldn't see her face since the Wii was off. "Okay, what do you want to know?"

"All right. Do you live in the Toronto area?" Kyle queried. Every time he speaks, you hold Eteled back. 

"Yes." Sam answered.

"Okay, and did you buy a Nintendo Wii from the Value Village in Leslieville?" Kyle continued.

"Yes." Sam confirmed again.

"Okay. This is a long story, so you may want to sit down if you aren't already. My father, Johnathan Sanders, used to work for Nintendo of America in Redmond Washington. On my 7th birthday, in 2006, I received a Nintendo Wii. The same Wii you have now. I got it 9 days after it launched." Kyle explained. "I went to the Mii channel, and I discovered a Mii named Eteled. I deleted him because he creeped me out at the time, but he came back. Then, after I'd deleted him several times, Eteled fought back. He violently... deleted... my Mii." Kyle paused, remembering the trauma. "I tried to go back to the Mii channel after this, but it wouldn't let me. A text box appeared, and it only said 'Wii deleted you'."

"Did you ever get back into the Mii channel?" Sam asked.

"Yep, I did. I wasn't going to play with it ever again, but my friend came to visit and opened the Mii channel. Eteled then..." Kyle paused again, his voice shaking slightly. "...deleted... my Mii. Violently. With an axe." Kyle sighed, then started back. "I never touched my old Wii again after that. My dad got me a new one, quit his job at Nintendo, and moved to Leslieville. He wouldn't tell me why he quit, but I just knew there was a reason..." Kyle paused. "Anyway, I decided to put the old Wii's SD card into my laptop in 2013, trying to see what was really behind Eteled. I saw a video file labeled, so I reluctantly clicked it. I saw a hallway, and Eteled in that hallway. He—"

Sam interrupted. "I know what you're talking about. I saw the same video. I got to it from Eteled showing me!"

"Okay then, so I'll move on. My father did eventually tell me why he quit from Nintendo."

"Why did he quit?" Sam asked.

"Quick warning... it's really graphic." Kyle warns.

"Okay. I'm ready." Sam said.

"My dad's coworker Henry made a Mii. That Mii was Eteled. He then got electrocuted and died." Kyle explained. "I'll spare you the details. But Henry's soul went on to possess the Wii."

You're glad Kyle's dad didn't mention you. He must not know. He had to know about the server room though, because that's how you died, and you were part of their family.

Sam was shaken by the information. "Oh my god." She said, faintly.

"The reason I'm contacting you is to get the Wii destroyed." Kyle blankly stated. "So Eteled can't do any more harm."

"He's not doing any harm to me!" Sam retorted.

"Well, has he done harm to anyone else?" Kyle asked, irritated. He definitely did harm to him. 

Sam didn't reply, clearly thinking about what happened with Will.

"Sam, are you there?" Kyle asked.

Sam paused for a second before yelling back. "You know what!? I don't trust you!"

"What?" Kyle replied, confused, before explaining again sternly. "Sam, I need you to tell me what Eteled did."

"No." Sam spat. "Eteled isn't some cold-hearted murderer!"

You shiver. She doesn't even know how wrong she is.

"Well, he chopped off my Mii's legs and head!" Kyle spat back.

"He grew up in a bad environment!" Sam argued.

"And how do you know?!" Kyle questioned. 

"ETELED TOLD ME!" Sam yelled back.

The silence that followed was so, so loud.

"Sam, I just want to help you." Kyle said calmly.

"You're not helping me. You just want to destroy a home of a man's spirit, more specifically a man's spirit who just wants to send a message." Sam paused, then continued, intensely. "Don't. Delete. Miis."

Then, Sam hung up, and blocked Kyle from calling her again, before preparing to go to sleep.

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