Part 21

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"Oh, hello Sam. Did I interrupt Eteled's little breakdown?" You said, without revealing your physical form quite yet.

"Do you know that voice?" Sam asked Kyle. I was honestly surprised she hadn't asked him before.

Kyle had never heard me before. He knows less about you than Sam does, and for good reason. Eteled had traumatized Kyle, and you didn't want to traumatize anyone. You were just forced to intervene when Sam came into the picture.

"I've never heard that voice before." Kyle said genuinely.

"It's honestly kind of funny to see you trying to figure out who I am." You say. "But how about I make it easier and just show myself, right now?"

You walk underneath the light, your mechanical sounding footsteps warning them to your entry. Your appearance scares them. You will admit, you did change a few things appearance-wise before you revealed yourself, for no other purpose than to be dramatic. Maybe it's because you were bored. Maybe it was because of the corruptions. Then again, you hadn't even revealed your name yet.

"I am the Corrupted Mii." You revealed. Then, you gave the camera back to Eteled.

What was the point of your little reveal? You're not sure. Maybe it was just to save Eteled from Kyle for a few seconds. Then you realize that can't be the reason.

Eteled's been faking his love for you the whole time, hasn't he?

Thoughts race through your mind. (Do you even have a mind?) The Mii channel is even darker than before. Eteled is standing in fear. 

You walk up behind him, reaching over his mouth with your clawed hands like you'd done so many times. 

You whispered to him. "Did you ever really love me? All that time we spend talking, those nights, those days..." You stopped, staring into Eteled's large pupils.

"No." Eteled said. "Not that it matters what I say now. You're already set on what you're going to do. So go ahead. You're jealous that I actually care about Sam. It's not even in a romantic way."

Ready for some therapy, Henry?"  You say, loud enough for Sam and Kyle to hear.

Eteled fought to escape from you. He flopped around like a fish out of water trying not to drown. He was so helpless. So weak. He'd never been either of those before.

We were nearing the delete button, but Eteled got your hand off of his mouth for just long enough to say something.


"You shut the heck up and deal with the pain, you understand?!" You shouted back. "I hope you know that the pain you're about to experience will be more than you've ever endured! 650 Volts, my friend. 650 Volts!" 

You didn't even know how much power that meant. How much pain it would cause.

Sam looked distraught. She felt just as powerless and weak as Eteled was fighting me. Kyle looked concerned, but not empathetic toward Eteled at all. 

Then, you sent him to the hallway, with no remorse or regrets. Seconds later, you followed him there.

"I don't know what to say." Kyle said. Then, he ran up to the Wii. "I'm sorry Sam, but I need to destroy this!"

Then, the Wii was unplugged.

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