Part 22

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"Hey! Get back here!" Sam screamed at Kyle. It was no use. Without even being able to see what was going on, you knew Kyle would be completely dead set on destroying the Wii. Maybe he wouldn't feel this way if you told him how you felt about Eteled. Maybe he'd feel that way even more, knowing you both want him dead.

You felt pressure on all sides of the Wii, like Sam and Kyle were fighting over it. It eventually stopped. Sam, however, then realized something.

The Wii was extremely hot.

Little did Sam know, the Wii and her beloved friend Eteled would be dead soon. Eteled was already strapped in the electric chair. You had already had a bit of the electricity ready before Kyle unplugged the Wii. Sadly, not enough, but you chose to use it anyway as a warm-up round.

 You heard the sound of a door being slammed. 

Suddenly, you can feel them fighting again. Only a few seconds of wrestling later, you hear the distinct sound of someone being hit in the head with a Wii remote. Multiple times. You can easily guess what happened.

You could even hear Kyle wheezing in pain when it stopped.

Sam plugged the Wii back in. She was probably hoping to see Eteled, normal, talkative as always. She turned the Wii on and saw you, standing over an electric chair, with Eteled sitting in it.

Eteled looked at Sam. If you were mentally stable at the time, you probably would have felt bad seeing Sam's face staring back at Eteled. However, you were not.

You walked over to the dial, and turned it. Then, you shocked him.

Eteled was severely shocked. Shocked hard enough he probably wouldn't remember crap about what had happened previously. At this point, blinded by rage, maybe you don't remember anything either. You don't have the mental ability to tell right now. You're too focused, watching Eteled suffer, your eyes feasting on the sight of the murderer of your physical body and your heart. 

Eteled tried to scream in pain, but he couldn't. You just stared, absorbed in the dopamine rush it was giving you to watch him in excruciating pain.

"Well, it looks like Eteled can't just teleport back to the Mii Channel anymore. Boo hoo!" You said, looking at Sam. She should suffer too, for believing Eteled. Not that you didn't also believe him for a bit when he pretended to love you, but it didn't take long for you to realize again that he could never love you. "I wonder why... Oh wait, it's because the electricity made him forget how. The electricity is good at doing that. It cured Eteled of his knowledge, but now I must cure him of himself."

You're still being cryptic, to mess with Sam. Mental torment is the best you can do to her, considering you're trapped inside the Wii, but hurting Eteled hurts her.

"Let him go!" Sam yelled. You ignored her.

Kyle walked in. His nose was bleeding, and he looked defeated. "Sam..." he said, weakly, "I just don't want Eteled to do any more harm..."

"You mean, you don't want the corrupted Mii to do any more harm." Sam quietly corrected. 

More like incorrected. Kyle knows full well what he meant. He never met me, he doesn't know me, but deep down we have the same goal. He hates the soul that traumatized him as a child, and I hate the soul that killed my heart and my physical body.

Eteled took so much from you. You had a life. You were a dedicated employee. You had a brother, who worked with you, who had a young child. He would've been about 6 or 7 years old when the Wii came out.

You connect the dots, realizing what's really going on. It's shocking to you, but you really can't do much about that right now. Telling him would break the tension. You instead turn the dial up again, and press the button to shock Eteled. You keep shocking him, over and over again, just to watch him writhe in pain.

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