Chapter 17

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Zephyra's POV

It has been week  a week since Margo left and we still have not found anything useful. 

We have not seen each other since that day and never saw him enter the pack house on the TV. 

Calico healed perfectly this time his eyes turned completely black. They have not changed to their usual self. It's like no one was staying in the pack house it was completely empty the council would come once a day. Calico would only come when its time for bed including Matson. 

I got tired of watching completely nothing and decided to take a nap.

I woke up by pandra's voice " Zephyra wake up "

" Am already awake " I said sitting up and rubbing my eyes forcely. 

" You need to see this "

I looked at the tv. I could see calico in an empty room, he was completely naked and breathing heavily. Another footage was showing a man in the hallway covered in black and in no time the man appeared in the same room calico was. 

Calico snapped his head right at the door when it opened I could see calico talking and am sure he was boiling with rage and on the other side I could not help but wonder who it was. 

Damn if only Margo had come and took care of the cameras then I would have heard what they were saying. 

The man moved the cloth that was hiding his face and looked up it was Yoko. He  was not putting on a shirt his stomach had a lot of patterns drawn on him. 

Calico started talking again and the only thing yoko did was laugh. Only if I knew what they were saying. 

Calico stopped talking and charged at yoko. He tried to push him but didn't work. He threw some punches but it was also pointless. When did yoko become more powerful than calico. 

This time it was yoko's turn he punched calico on the face twice and he fell down with so much ease, how was that even possible. 

" Zephyra we need to do something " Pandra said with panic in her voice. 

" Wait pandra let's see were all this is going"

Calico was now standing up he tried by all means to overpower yoko but it was all in vein. Yoko kept assaulting him and calico could not do a thing about it. He was now bleeding laying down on the floor hopeless looking defeated. 

Yoko took out a knife from his pants  and threw it right on calico's chest. I could not understand the pain I was feeling but it's like the knife hit me instead. I growled in pain and pandra was right beside me. 

" Zephyra what's wrong? " Pandra asked worried. 

" Nothing just felt a sharp pain " 

" Is it because of the mate bond " 

I don't know maybe" 

" Zephyra we need to save calico "

" I know "

" So what are waiting for? "

" All this does not make any sense, why didn't calico fight and where are his brothers? They should be with him"

" Zephyra are waiting to see your mate die or what? What if the pack is under attack and everyone is held captive "

" Nothing like that is happening "

" How do you know that? "

" Pandra please " I felt another sharp pain and I screamed in pain. 

" Zephyra please let's go there the more Yoko keep hurting calico the more pain you feel"

Pandra is right but for some reason I don't want to go there am having second thoughts? It doesn't make any sense despite calico being an alpha he failed to fight yoko he would have used his alpha aura to do so but it never happened. 

I felt another sharp pain and now I just had no other choice but to go there . 

" Okay let's do this "


We emerged right at the scene. I am starting to hate this pack again everytime I came here it's either something bad had happened, about to happen, is happening or going to happen. Why can't I enjoy my life. 

" Wow who do we have here" I was snapped out of my  thoughts when  a voice spoke I looked at the man in front of me " It's nice to see you again zephyra Dankworth "  Yoko said bowing down a little. Was that out of respect or what? Like yuck even my name doesn't sound good when it comes out of his mouth. 

Pandra was about to rush to calico when Yoko stopped her. 

" Pandra if I was you then I wouldn't do that. Anyone who touches him dies and you knowing you are just an omega it will be easy because you are just too weak ".

" Yoko what did you do? " I tried saying with so much authority to scare him but my voice only came out weak. 

Yoko let out a mocking laugh " Zephyra I can't believe you are scared am wondering how a powerful she wolf like you would be scared of me"

" Yoko am not scared of you "

" Then you should "

Yoko's body started to light it lasted for a few minutes and then faded. 

" Zephyra you made a big mistake coming here you should have just stayed wherever you were but now that you are here I will make you regret it " With that I was pushed against the wall. Unbelievable and it hurt. 

I tried to get up from the floor but I failed I tried again and this time putting more effort. I was finally back on my feet staring daggers at Yoko. 

" Zephyra red eyes really good on you than grey but they don't scare me "

What was happening when did I become this weak?  I need to save calico and pandra out of here but how will I do that if I feel like this. 

I looked at where pandra was she sat at the far end of the room. Her head on her knees " Zephyra I feel weak " She said in a low voice her head still in the cradle of her knees she looked so vulnerable. 

The door was pushed open revealing Matson, Margo, the elders and five men who I assumed where from the council. 

I took steady steps backwards. I stopped in the middle of pandra and Calico in a protective manner. 

" Zephyra dankworth " Someone shouted my name I didn't pay attention as I watched pandra who was  now standing besides me . 

" Zephyra take us out of here " Pandra said in a whisper. 

I nodded and used my powers to disappear but it didn't work. I tried again  and it was all the same nothing happened. 

Pandra looked at me and I only shook my head. 

Zephyra what's happening? "

" Your powers won't work in here it's pointless " Matson said. 


Word count : 1165.

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