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"Are you ready to dance the night away my dearest Davina?" He looked over his shoulder and threw me a lopsided grin.

    I hurried my steps to keep up with him and replied, "After a drink, yes." I let out a breathy laugh. He smiled, containing his laughter and grabbed two glasses of champagne off a passing tray. He passed one to me and raised his glass.

    "To you, Davina. You've come into my life and saved me and that is something I will never forget." He clicked his glass against mine and we both took a long sip. The bubbles danced on my tongue. The champagne was light and the notes were floral with a hint of pine. I knew the champagne was his own creation and of course it was delicious.

    I nearly chugged mine, searching for some courage within the icy liquid. He took our glasses and set them aside. He lightly gripped my hand once more, pulling me quickly out to the center of the marble dance floor and launched us into dance.

He gingerly pulled me close and we danced. I didn't remember too much due to the nerves, but I had nothing to worry about as he led every move. We moved in sync with the other party goers. He spun us and we twirled under the light of the wooden chandelier.

"So, what do you think? Too much?" He looked toward the ceiling, decorated with long strips of deep green and black silk and tulle. I looked up as well, noting the romantic aura in the room.

I smiled softly and replied, "I think it's exactly enough. It's just lovely, August. You've done a phenomenal job. Everyone is dressed to impress. I'd say it's quite a success."

"Well, thank you. We put many hours into creating the perfect night. Although, I would wait to call it a success. We've got many different families and many different creatures with contradicting beliefs in one room. I'm sure someone will get offended soon enough." He chuckled lightly and held my waist tight as we spun once more. "Classic family reunion."

"Everything will be alright. If it's any consolation," I looked around quickly, moving my face closer to his, looking into his dark eyes and spoke, "You look delicious."

Desire burned in his eyes at my blunt words and he pulled me even tighter. He dipped me deep and his hands caressed my waist. He held me there and lowered his lips to my ear, gently brushing them against the skin there, whispering, "And you look simply ravishing," he growled softly and kissed the spot between my neck and collarbone. "Fit for a queen." He lifted us and spun us once more as I tried to slow my racing breath. We came to a stop alongside the other couples and he kissed my lips with a force.

The crowd whistled and cheered at the performance and our kiss. They swarmed the dance floor, chatting with the other dancers. A few couples rushed our way. The first to approach were an ethereal couple.

It was evident that they were dragons given their bright orange eyes and the iridescent scales that littered the backs of their hands. The man was tall and lean. Although you could still tell that he had much strength. His complexion matched the lanky woman beside him. Their skin was a gorgeous bronze and their hair was thick and pin straight. Both of their coal black hair was left down, long and framing their stoic faces. They wore matching crowns, a feminine and masculine version. They must've been made of a heavy stone judging by the texture. They seemed clunky and held delicate orange sapphires. There was a name precisely carved in the stone of the crown that read, Kiria. I assumed this was the land that they ruled over, their kingdom. I also noted that I noticed a thick smell of smoke from the both of them, further confirming their dragon heritage.

Their attire was mainly orange with slips of black and silver. The two represented yin and yang so perfectly, it almost seemed eerie.

They both bowed their heads at Augustus and he returned the gesture. I wasn't sure if I should, so I did anyway, just to be on the safe side

"Hello Nitis," He addressed the man, moving his attention to the woman, his eyes softening slightly, "Halona."

"Hello Augustus. Thank you for the invite, you've thrown a captivating celebration. We thank you for the invitation. We are thrilled to see that you are thriving" I'd expected the man to speak, but it was the woman. In fact she was the only one speaking. 

Nitis said nothing, although he held eye contact with August and nodded along with the conversation. Augustus spoke to both of them throughout the polite exchange and there were moments when Halona would be silent, looking at her mate, and then seemingly responding on his behalf. I'd come to the conclusion that Nitis either could not or would not speak. Halona communicated on both their behalf. I was pretty sure I was correct, and made a note in my mind to ask Augustus for confirmation after the party.

"Of course, I couldn't throw a ball and not invite my dearest friends. My kingdom and I thank you for your aid throughout our recent troubles. We are indebted to you." Augustus explained, and he sounded genuine. I was glad it seemed he had good friends in the couple.

"It was the least we could do Augustus, our kingdoms have been comrades long before us and we intend to honor that tradition. Please, let us know if we can still help in any way." Halona's felt genuine. I felt warmth and love radiating off of her and it put me at ease.

"We thank you both." He gave them a small bow of his head and continued, "Please, I would like to introduce to you, Davina Laurier. We've been courting and felt it was a good time to introduce her to some close friends of mine." He looked down at me. He looked proud. The pride within him gave me some courage

The both of them shifted their attention to me. Nitis gave me a respectful nod as Halona reached for my free hand. She squeezed it tightly, "It's so very nice to meet you, Davina. My mate and I are thrilled to see someone at Augustus' side. We wish you both the very best."

Her words touched me and I offered her a sheepish grin, "Thank you. We appreciate the kind words." She let go of my hand and her eyes widened a hair, she shot her gaze to Augustus and he looked stoic. He avoided my eye contact and dismissed them politely.

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