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Three large men approached us then. Suddenly Augustus' voice boomed in my mind. "Don't look any of them in the eye, and don't speak unless spoken to."

"Ah, the King of WarHaven. What a delicious evening you've created for us. We feel utterly welcome." The man was massive. He was even bigger and stronger looking than Augustus. I let myself observe their attire, noting that they wore stunning matching suits.

The suits were a deep royal blue with silver accents. The suit jackets were embroidered with thick silver thread, depicting forest scenes. Each jacket had a crescent moon on the front left of the image. Wolves.

I let out a small sigh of relief, realizing that it wasn't August being domineering, but it was for my own safety that he said I don't look them in the eye. I knew enough about wolves to know that they took hierarchy very seriously. It could be seen as a challenge to stare one of them straight in the eye. And major disrespect to speak over them or before you are spoken to for anyone.

"Alpha Magnus, gentleman. It's an honor to be in your presence. I hope the trip wasn't too long. I've got beautiful quarters set up for after the party if you care to stay."

"We appreciate it thoroughly..." I felt his eyes moving over my body and shifted slightly under the intensity of his gaze. "Who's this little minx you've brought with you, Augustus?"

I saw him tense at the man's choice of words. I could feel the anger building within him so I slipped my hand into the crook of his elbow and gave it a soft squeeze.

He cleared his throat and spoke through slightly clenched teeth, "Davina. My soon to be Queen."

My body stilled at his words. I had never heard him address our relationship in such an official way. I knew we were together and I knew I loved him since that sweet morning under the Glass Lake. Although I was too afraid to tell him how I truly felt. I had to have been delusional to think an orphan would ever be wed to a King. But that's what he'd just very publicly implied.

The man huffed once, crossing his arms. "After all these years," laughter danced on his words, "This weak creature is who you chose? Why not wait till she smells of your bond, instead of just your sickly venom, bloodsucker?" The harshness in his tone intensified as his words came to a close.

Augustus now shook with anger, "Careful, Magnus. You are a guest in my home and you will act like it." His words were a threat themselves. The man scoffed, stepping closer to August, clearly attempting to dominate the situation.

"Your Kingdom will fall with that by your side, unless it falls due to the lack of faith your subjects have in their King." Their faces were incredibly close and Augustus was nearly snarling in the Alpha's face. His men in response, backed him up, getting into a protective stance around their leader.

I thought for sure a full out brawl was about to ensue. The surrounding guests had quieted, trying to be discreet in their eavesdropping. And some even moved away from the two men.

A soft but powerful sound of heels on marble made their way towards us. Nargue approached, with Marcelllus and Sebastian in tow. Their faces, hard as stone. They came to either side of us, staring the men down with an intensity that could kill.

Nargue simply glided between the two men, her voice, full of assurance as she interrupted.

"Gentleman. This is not appropriate. You are no longer welcome in our home. Please, follow me." She looked Magnus directly in the eyes and held his stone cold gaze. Eventually she walked away, heading towards the exit.

Magnus huffed and turned to follow her, gesturing with his head for his men to follow suit. The second they were out of sight, Augustus fixed his face, turning toward his other party guests, "My apologies. What's a Unity Celebration without a little drama?" He chuckled lightly, "Please, continue your festivities. Dinner is on its way."

The crowd cheered and hollered in response to his announcement. A few couples came to check on us, expressing their disappointment in the Alpha's behavior. Many of the kind women told me that I was wonderful. I appreciated it, but they didn't know me. It was hard to shake Magnus' cruel words. The more I thought about how tonight had gone, the more I realized they might've held some truth.

I could see the stress that the interaction had caused, etched on August's somber face. I tried to console him, but he interrupted me, "I've got some more guests to greet, stay with Sebastian, yeah?" He pulled his arm from my grasp and made his way through the dense crowd. He gave me no option.

It honestly made me feel as though he didn't want me to screw up anymore interactions. And I understood that, although it still stung. I was nearly ready to turn in for the night, but dinner hadn't even been served.

I walked over to Sebastian and he smiled. "You look amazing, Davina."

I gave him a play curtsy, "Thank you Sebastian, you look rather dashing yourself."

His cheeks pinked and he puffed his chest slightly. I was happy that he got complimented that night. I did notice that he had no date.

"I appreciate the compliment." He gave me a small tilt of his head.

"I'm truly famished," I raised my hand to my stomach, knowing if I had still been human it would've growled loudly. On top of that, my throat was starting to develop a dull ache. "Lets sit, August said dinner was on its way."

"Um. Davina, I don't want to overstep, but maybe you should have dinner in your quarters. The Factional Unity Celebration dinners are...intense."

"I've heard. I'm excited to try something new. I'll be alright. Come on, lets find seats." I swiftly made my way to an empty table, but not before I heard Sebastian mumble.

"Okay, if you say so."

I brushed it off. I was done letting anyone make any more decisions for me tonight. I was determined to have a good time.

The announcer's voice boomed across the ballroom as we found our seats and the crowd went silent, "Ladies and gentleman,  dinner is served!"

And all hell broke loose.

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