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I was frozen in my seat for a solid ten seconds. I could not comprehend what was happening.

All at once, every door to the ballroom opened. Humans were ushered in by the dozen. They were pushed and kicked through the doors. Some were already bloody or partly naked. Women and men, young and old were ripped to shreds before my very eyes. Limbs went flying and heads went rolling. The sound of ripping flesh would terrorize me for centuries.

The beasts were out. The people I had just had friendly conversations with had gone feral. The screams of the dying humans stabbed into my sensitive ears, scraping and burning their way into my brain. I knew in that exact moment that I would never forget the horror of this event. I would never fully escape the paralyzing shock and fear that covered their dying faces.

The guests used their full strength to destroy those beautiful people. Any creature who did not feast on humans, calming dined on their plated meals. Servants weaved through the tables, doing their best not to slip on blood or trip over limbs. Everyone acted like this was completely normal.

The worst part of it was, my throat burned with hunger. It took every ounce of my mental and physical strength to lock my muscles in place and not claim my own victim. I shook so horribly that I nearly dropped my napkin trying to place it on the table. I sat there and closed my eyes. My ears ringing from the screams and pleas of the dying around me. I wanted to help in any way. I wanted to put a stop to it, but I was too terrified that I would lose control and get lost in the crowd of beasts. I knew I would carry this guilt with me for as long as I existed.

I slowly pushed my chair out from its place, ignoring the tugging on my arm from Sebastian. I thought he was trying to talk to me but I couldn't focus on anything but the screams. I felt horribly sick to my stomach. How could Augustus allow something so heinous to occur under his roof?

My legs nearly gave out under me, but I stood. I turned, ripping my arm out from Sebastian's grasp and made my way through the dining hall. I kept my eyes above me. I tried to avoid memorizing the blood splatters all over the decorated walls. I tried not to notice the chunks of bloody flesh that flew across the room. I made it to the stairs, gripping the ornate rail for support. Where was August? Was he participating in this? Vomit would have covered the stairs by now if I had any contents to spill.

I was nearly to the top when everything went quiet. The screams and sobs came to an abrupt halt. All I heard was the delicate scraping of silverware on plates and quiet conversation. Everyone continued on like nothing had happened. The silence was bone chilling.

I pressed my hands against the massive door and pushed with all my strength. It opened to a silent hallway. I took a sharp breath in and started to panic. My breathing was coming fast and harsh. I felt as though I was suffocating in this dress, the hallway, the hair, all of it. I kicked my shoes off and ran. I ran and ran as fast as I could, which was pretty fast considering I had never used my abilities in this way before. I was down and out of the castle in seconds. The pebbles crunched under my bare feet as I started to truly hyperventilate. I couldn't stop my heaving breath and tears poured from my eyes.

I started to rip the dress off. I split the bodice, tore the skirt. I couldn't feel this restricted any longer or I would combust. I ripped my hair from the bun and rubbed my shaky hands down my face. I saw makeup on my palms and I rubbed it onto my ruined dress.

I couldn't stop thinking about the auction. The screams and cries. The pleas of the women. Their final moments were pure terror. They begged and begged to no avail. They were stripped of everything they were and sold to the highest bidder. Like I was.

We were violated so horribly that day. I thought for the longest time that I didn't deserve to have such luxuries while those women died. While they got assaulted and ruined. Those men and women were ruined in that ballroom. They were quite literally shredded to pieces. Unrecognizable.

The panic got worse and I ran further out. I reached an ornate fountain and placed my hands on the edge. I stared at my reflection in the water and I looked ruined as well. I noticed a speck of blood on my cheek and my throat burned with the realization.

I dry heaved over the fountain and a coughing fit began. Pure sobs were escaping my dry throat. I couldn't calm myself down. I needed to get out. I needed to leave. I couldn't be anywhere near the disaster of a ball. I would run. I woul-

"You look like you've been attacked by a pack of wolf cubs." The voice that hit my ears was soft like velvet and sensual as sex itself. The silky sound floated to my ears, caressing my mind.

I looked around, running my hands through my hair, pulling it slightly when I saw no one. I felt I was losing my mind.

I dipped my hands in the water and splashed my face a few times.

"Is the young King having some trouble in paradise?" My head snapped up and the man that stood before me was beyond dazzling.

He held a cigar between his fingers, bringing it to his plump lips and taking a long drag. The smoke danced with the wind. Through the thick cloud, two piercing silver eyes met my ruined ones. I felt I was in a trance. His irises shone with a captivating pearly color. They looked to have liquid moving softly within them.

The man stood atop the edge of the fountain, purposely teetering back and forth. He dripped with elegance and class. I immediately noted that the air around him smelled of tobacco and mahogany. It was a very masculine scent. And I loved it.

His movements were swift and sure, almost feline. His balance mimicked that of a skilled cat. He crouched down on the edge of the fountain, never once losing balance.

I examined him closely then. His hair was a striking black. It seemed a little shaggy, but was groomed exquisitely. It was combed over and looked slightly wet. A small lock of hair fell in the center of his forehead, curling in just slightly.

He examined me as well, from his elevated position. He furrowed his brows a hair and tilted his head, getting closer to me. As he leaned over the fountain from his crouched position, he should've hit the water, but he didn't.

Two massive wings appeared at his back, stabilizing his balance. A black mist with what seemed like specks of silver in the moonlight, surrounded the wings. It was slightly disturbed with each movement.

I took a large, panicked step back and my mouth fell open in awe.

The wings had very delicate veins that acted as borders, separating them into individual fragments, creating a flawless pattern. The moonlight reflected off his dark wings, causing the illuminated section to appear a soft shade of violet. The wings were smothered in a radiant powder. The diamond-like particles sparkled brightly in the moonlight.

I swallowed hard and tried to collect myself, my panic now at the back of my mind.

"Who are you?" It was all my dry throat could get out. 

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