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I had so many questions regarding what Nargue revealed to me. But I didn't want her to answer them, I wanted August to.

I left the library shortly after. I had dismissed myself, telling Nargue I needed time to process. And that was true. But not why I left.

I tried to channel Augustus to try and sense where he was. I walked by as many rooms as I could, listening closely and looking for a sign within myself that he was near.

I had managed to keep my anger at bay, knowing my rush of emotion would only make his worse.

I walked into a large, well lit hall I had never been to before. There were two sets of double doors, guarded with guards at each. I walked to the first one and heard and sensed nothing.

The guards looked at me with heavy confusion, but I ignored it. I moved onto the next set of doors and there were many different sets of guards in front. Everyone was very stern and kept stoic expressions. Two of the guards were Augustus'. The other set were dragons, one with red scales on the back of his hands, the other had blue.There was a man and a woman who looked very earthy, they were covered in delicate stones despite being heavily armed. Lastly, there were two skinny, young men in the corner by the windows.

They donned massive glittering wings, one clear and one had a slight red tinge. They had the window open and sat with a leg each over the ledge. They looked incredibly bored and made quiet conversation. They didn't necessarily look like guards.

I didn't know what was going on but it was clear that at least some of the leaders of the specific kingdoms and factions were back offly soon. I had thought everyone had left after the ball.

And by the look of it, Roman was here. Bastard.

I looked towards the set of double doors, ignoring the guards stares and sudden alertness. I couldn't hear anything, which was odd considering they were most positively on the other side of the door.

There was a massive outline of WarHaven carved carefully into the massive wooden doors. This room pertained to land. Territory.

I almost left, until I felt him. I could sense that he was very close, despite not being able to locate him with my other senses.

I stalked towards the double doors and was met with hard chest plates. Augustus' guards had gotten in my way. They exchanged a glance as I tried to push through to get the door handle.

"Let me in." I scoffed and pushed against their chests. I used all the strength I had. They didn't budge.

I went for it again and was stopped, again. "We're sorry ma'am, but there is a private matter currently being discussed, and only certain parties are allowed. You understand."

I sneered at them, "No, I don't. And I don't give a fuck. I'm basically engaged to August. I don't care and neither will he."

I pushed and pushed until I realized it was pointless. So I did what any sane woman would, and screamed. "Augustus!" My rage was beginning to resurface and it made me nervous. Not that I knew I was a fairy and gnome, who knew what I was capable of. I took a few deep breaths and firmly continued, "August, Open the fucking door, honey."

I was getting so angry I wanted to rip something apart.

We sat in silence for a few moments, then heard a lock click and the door opened. I couldn't see him through the guards, who I have icy glares.

August cleared his throat, "Gentlemen."

They separated, retiring to their original positions.

I could see and feel from Augustus that the look on my face had him in a complete panic.

As calmly as I could manage, I got in his face, getting nearly nose to nose and asked in the most vile voice I had ever heard, "What the fuck have you done?"

He didn't back down but I could see in his eyes that he was shocked.

"Davina, what are you talking about?" His eyes were immediately guarded and he kept his voice very low. He also stood between me and all of his guests. As if they could be discussing anything more important than what I had just discovered.

"You lied to me for months. Months. You've known the truth of who I am and you pretended like I was a stranger!" I was losing grip on my flaming rage, as his was amping up.


"No. I am speaking, August. I'm allowed to do that. I'm entitled to it. Just like I'm entitled to knowing who the fuck I am."

He sat there staring at me. He truly seemed so stunned he didn't know what to say. I saw pity in his eyes, as well as a simmering rage.

"Not that this is the time nor the place, thingl we're going so well this time around, and I didn't want to ruin that." I nearly punched his face.

He didn't get to decide things for me. I must've been mistaken to think things were moving in a positive direction.

My hands shook at my sides in anger.

A perfect whistle made its way through the room followed by a familiar voice, "Lovebirds, figure it out or get a room. We've got important business to attend to." A cigar in his fingers, of course. He took a long drag and blew it out in our direction.

It took everything in me not to rush over and stuck the cigar into his liquid eye. "Shut the fuck up, Roman. You're only interested in stirring the pot. It's not your business." I spat through gritted teeth. My hands balled into fists.

"Then please do us all the honor of keeping your business to yourself, and get the fuck out." He gestured in the direction of the other royals in the room who looked incredibly bored and irritated. I nearly felt embarrassed until I met Augustus's eyes. He looked humiliated.

"Close your mouth, before I rip out your tongue, fairy!" My words were a clear threat and I had never been so honest.

"Diddo, doll. Except I'll put yours to use after." A massive smirk made its way onto his perfect mouth and felt the humiliation. I felt August's rage blaze.

"Augustus, get your pet under control and let us get back to our discussion." A man who must've been a dragon representative, chimed in.

August snarled in his direction and looked back at me, "Leave. We will discuss this later." His pointed gaze meant no arguing.

"No, we will discuss this now." I stepped to Augustus to show him I meant what I said. Roman chuckled lowly and a quick glance to him showed him staring at me in amazement. Like a bug under a looking glass.

"Davina. Stop talking and leave the room. That's a command." August was nearly spitting through his clenched jaw at my disobedience. 

It was nearly painful resisting his command, but I did. I stood taller and said, albeit difficulty, "Fuck. You."

"Now." August's eyes were an importable black and it was clear he was asserting his dominance. I chose to leave, not because I was afraid, but because I was no longer going to tolerate his bullshit.

I looked August in the eye and shook my head. I turned on my heel and left.

WARHAVENNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ