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When he said nothing, I spoke again, "Leave, Roman. I don't even know why you are here, and this is my room. It's quite inappropriate actually, maybe I should alert August." I threatened, crossing my arms and leaning back against the headboard.

He spoke through the smoke and I blew it away from myself.

"Go ahead. Maybe he'll join us in bed, I mean I can see the outline of your nipples though your skimpy shirt. I mean there is also no denying the line of clothes leading to a near naked woman." He rolled onto his side, supporting his head with his arm. He looked so confident and casual. He continued taking pulls on his cigar. 

I squeezed my arms tighter, and ended up pushing my cleavage forward. He is gaze lingered there and his eyes swirled with desire. I scowled in response.

"You're so vile. I wish you would just leave." I would have left, but I didn't have any where else to go. He could figure it out himself. 

"Loosen up, doll. Have a hit." He passed me the cigar and the smoke twirled in front of me.

I hesitated but decided, fuck it. I'd take a hit, then he would leave. I took the cigar between my fingers and inspected it slightly. I had never touched one in my life, but I had watched hundreds of creatures smoke them at the tavern.

I placed it between my lips and took it into my mouth, savoring the strong tobacco flavor, and exhaling it after a moment. I snuck a look at Roman and he looked shocked. And erotic.

His lips were parted slightly and he was drilled in on my lips.  I took another hit as his eyes locked on mine.

"Why won't you just leave?" My breathless voice was a whisper in the smoke.

"Because, you're mine." Shock rushed through my bones as the world seemed to freeze. I didn't know if he meant what I thought he did, or if I was insane.

"Wh..." He took his long pointer finger and spelled out something in the smoke. It obeyed his command and gathered where he wrote. Two words.

'You're Mine'

My breathing increased as he blew a cloud of smoke over the words, whisking them away as if they were never there.

"What? I can-what are you.." I stumbled over my words, struggling to comprehend the magnitude of what he had just revealed.

"You, Davina Laurier, are my mate." His eyes were dead serious and he looked away.

"No...Roman you must be confused."

"No Davina, you are." Another puff, "You are my mate and now you know. It is up to you whether you accept or not."

"I don't accept."

He smiled softly, examining his cigar, then met my terrified eyes. I could see the smallest amount of hurt behind his, "Okay. But just know that it won't go away. It only snaps into place once the female accepts it. If you refuse to, it will nag at you until you do. So, let me know when you do."

I was horrified. Was he really trying to way that I had no choice?

"I will not accept. I'm nearly a married woman. So you better get used to it. Now leave. I am no longer comfortable in your presence. In fact leave all together."

"I'll leave when my business here is done."

I rolled my eyes, "Care to share what that business may be?" I gave him a pointed stare.

"I am here to warn the little King of a potential War, as well as offer him land in exchange for you."

The rage I felt was instant. My hands clenched and I gritted my teeth. "Excuse me?" I ignored the comment about a War, as I could get that information from Nargue or Augustus at a later date. "You offered him what?"

He rolled his eyes softly, "I am offering him land and in exchange I am going to ask that you be released to me. You would come back with me to my kingdom."

"What is it with you sick bastards and making decisions for me? That is absolutely never going to happen. And not your choice to make. I am not some prized item you can trade for!"

"On the contrary, you are to me. One of the most priceless possessions of mine. I wouldn't force you to come, it would simply be to soften the blow when you break his heart and fall head over heels for your mate." He threw me a sly wink.

"I am in love with Augustus. And nothing is ever going to change that." I sneered.

He sighed and continued, "The land is simply to avoid War over you. My territory and his are the largest and most powerful in existence. A war between us would be catastrophic."

He came closer, moving very slowly, and stopping an inch from the skin of my shoulder. I nearly shuddered at the proximity. I could feel his breath tickling my skin as he continued, "And I have no desire to fight for something that already belongs to me." He pressed his soft lips to the cool skin of my exposed shoulder and my skin sung in response.

Stars and galaxies seemed to form, extending sound the area he kissed and dissipating the further he moved away. The feeling was nothing short of euphoric. I nearly moaned.

I felt the blood in my system pool to my cheeks and turned away. Holding my breath, as his scent was mouthwatering.

I felt him lift himself from the bed and heard him pull some pants on. He stalked towards the door, throwing over his shoulder, "Don't rule it out." And opened it.

The last thing either of us were expecting was a shaking, growling Augustus.

And he pounced.

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