Chapter 4

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When I wake up again, I am in a brightly lit room on a bed. A metal door opens up to reveal Gethen, Ruy and Lady Gisela. They come inside and sit on chairs that I had not seen before.

"Well, Sophie Foster. It's nice to meet you again. Well, in your old room" Lady Gisela said to me. I was confused. What did she mean by my old room?

"I understand that you have questions and we have answers. They will all be cleared if you drink this. It's an elixir that brings back wiped or shattered memories. And before you say that why should you trust us, I will give two pieces of information that the Black Swan has been withholding from you. Maybe that might trigger some memories for you to take this," Gethen told me, looking nervous.

Ruy jumped into the conversation when Gethen didn't continue saying, "Okay, Sophie. First, your father is...Gethen. The second thing is that you are not a genetic experiment. You were kidnapped by the Black Swan at 9 and you are actually the daughter of Gethen and ... someone," My mind was spinning after he told me that. Memories after memories flashed in my mind from when I was a kid. Memories of playing with Ruy, eating dinner with Gethen and a woman whom I shared features with, and being kidnapped by the Black Swan. I faintly heard them asking me if I was alright, but I couldn't respond. It felt like my life had turned upside down the moment I was taken and now again when I was remembering everything. I was breathing shallowly by the time my head cleared. I saw that everyone was looking at me with worried and expectant faces.

I started to speak but my throat felt raw. I needed water, and I didn't see any around so I transmitted to Gethen.

I need water

He nodded, getting up to get some. Since Lady Gisela and Ruy had no idea, and I couldn't talk yet, I transmitted two words to them.

I remember

They looked at me with happiness evident on their faces. Ruy was looking at me with a weird expression that looked almost like adoration but I must have been hallucinating because it disappeared a second later. I watch as Gethen comes back inside with a pitcher of water and a glass. I take it from him and drink deeply. When I think that I can talk again, I explain what I remember to them.

"So, I don't remember much but I do recall me and Ruy playing together when I was 5 or 6 and eating dinners with Gethen and one other woman. The only other thing I remember is when Ruy, Gethen, that woman and I were outside when the people in the Black Swan cloaks appeared and they tried to grab me but then you guys were fighting them when someone put a cloth over my face and the last thing I saw was you guys running towards me and then darkness. The next time I wake up is in my human bed," I finish, holding back a few tears.

Ruy noticed this and put an arm around my shoulders. I stiffened a little before relaxing and crying into his arms. After about a good 10 minutes, I stopped, sniffling.

"I-I am sorry. Sorry for acting like this and-" I got cut off by Ruy.

"Sophie! It's okay! You thought your life was the truth but you were living in a lie. I am sorry that we couldn't save you that day. We didn't save you before because it would mess up the timeline we had created for you to learn the truth and the fall of the Black Swan along with the Council. We're sorry for that but we're also happy that you remember," Ruy told me, in a comforting voice.

"Give me the elixir," I told everyone. They all looked shocked but also proud in a way. They handed it to me. I opened it up and chugged it in one breath. The world started to fade away. 

Author Note: Sorry about the small chapter. It felt like it needed to end there to add more suspense. Anyway, hope you enjoyed. 

Word Count (including author note and this): 718

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