Chapter 6

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I woke up in the same room as before but this time, there was no one in here. The door opened and Gethen, Ruy, Lady Gisela, Vespera, and Fintan walked in.

"Well, well. The Moonlark finally awakes" Fintan says, chuckling to himself. I scowled, inflicting on him just a little. Enough to cause pain but not much to harm him. Fintan doubled over, as everyone else laughed at him. Fintan looked mad, to say the least.

I stopped laughing and looked at everyone else. Then I began to talk. "Why am I here? I thought I was supposed to go back with them?" I was confused and impatient when they just stared at me. Then Vespera said, "Well, we need to manifest all of your abilities that you had, again. Before you were taken, you had every single ability imaginable. That's why the Black Swan took you," Vespera said, casually as if it was common for people to kidnap someone and implant false memories. I nodded, trying to stop myself from inflicting on her. Vespera just laughed.

Gethen cleared his throat, to get everyone's undivided attention.

"Now that Sophie knows about what is going to happen, can we get on with it?" He asked, tapping his foot impatiently. I nodded, somewhat reluctantly. Gethen reached two fingers towards my temples and closed his eyes. He stayed there for 586 seconds-yes I counted- and then stepped back, looking exhausted.

"Well" , Gethen started. "I could get past your blocking easily this time. The hard part was getting every single ability to manifest. Now, you may feel a little dizzy for an hour or two after you first start using your powers again but it's going to be just fine." He told me, with a small smile. I just nodded, thinking of how I was going to manage all these abilities. I took a deep breath and asked them a question, "How am I going to keep all of these abilities hidden from everyone else?" I bit my lip, nervous for the answer. Lady Gisela and Gethen exchanged looks.

Lady Gisela told me the thing I never wanted to hear or wear in my life, "You will be using an Ability Restrictor" She said simply.

Author Note: Sorry for the short chapter and the cliffhanger but it was necessary to build suspense. Anyway, thanks for reading. If you have any suggestions please write them in the comments. I have a huge twist coming up later in the story that I have planned out. Hope you all will like it. 

Word Count (including the author note and this): 434

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