Chapter 11

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Havenfield: 3rd Person P.O.V (While Keefe was at Candelshade)

"Grady! Have you seen Sophie?? I went upstairs to check on her since it's been a while since she went to sleep and she isn't there! Have you seen her?" Edaline yelled at her husband, rushing around frantically.

Grady walked out of their bedroom, to find his wife running outside the front door. Rushing to catch up to her, he grabbed her shoulders to stop her from panicking.

"Eda, calm down. She probably went to walk around the pastures or something else must have come up. You know she tells us if she is going somewhere dangerous and will be gone for a while. She will be fine," Grady soothed her, staring deep into her eyes. Edaline nodded her head and hugged Grady to calm her breath. The pair stood like that for a minute but pulled away when they heard a crash. They run towards the noise, only to find Ro and Keefe lying in a heap on the ground. Both rushed towards them and helped them up and led them inside the house. Seating them onto the couch, Edaline conjures two glasses of water for the pair and waits for them to finish the drink.

Clearing her throat, Ro says, "Sophie sent him a letter. We don't know how but it stated that she might not see him again. Here, read it."

Taking the paper from the ogre's hands, Grady and Edaline hold back their tears while reading the letter. Right as they are about to say something, a bright light glows in the middle of the table. The glow disappears and they see a letter sitting in the middle of the table. Taking a deep breath, Grady walks over to grab it. He freezes when he sees that it's from Sophie. Biting his lip, he carefully opens the letter and begins to read it aloud.

Hey mom and dad,

It's Sophie! I am sure you're wondering what this is about and I am really sorry to do this to both of you. This is hard for me as well since I love you both so much. But I have to do this. I'm sorry but you may as well never see me again. I am leaving. You may see me in a few days or even a few years. It's not quite clear yet. I am sorry for this pain I am causing you both right now since you lost Jolie as well. It hurts me terribly to do this. I wish both of you a happy rest of your life but this part will be without me. I don't want you to try looking for me. It is futile. You will not find me from where I am. Again, I am sorry.

Signed, Sophie Elizabeth Foster

Tears flowing freely now, all four hug each other for comfort. Inviting Ro and Keefe to stay the night, all four head to bed wanting to grieve alone. 

Author Note: Hey guys! This is just a chapter I posted to keep the story going for now. I am now starting to write the next parts. Here's a spoiler: It's going to be about how the people at Everglen would react to Sophie's letter. I am not sure if I want to Dex but I will be doing the Collective since they are one of the main ones. If you have any opinions or suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. 

Word Count (including author note and this): 586

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