Chapter 5

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When I awoke, I remembered everything. Everything that had happened until the day of my 9th birthday. I felt horrible doing those things that I did to my real family and friends. I felt a little guilty but since I knew how dangerous that could be, I calmed myself thinking of all the good times with Ruy and the others. When I had calmed down, I asked who that woman was. Gethen tensed, and hesitated. I looked at him as if to say Don't even try, and glared at him for good measure. He sighs, knowing he can't do anything except tell me.

"Your mother was different. She was not an elf, exactly. But rather a different species of an elf. She was part of a different group that no one knew about, not even the council. I'm sorry, but I can't tell you everything right now because it would mess up the timeline and you could faint from the shock of all the memories for a very long time or maybe even die. There is a very specific way of not letting that happen but it takes time. You are also on the first stage which is learning what memories were erased and why," Gethen told me. I wanted to argue that I should be allowed to know my mother but he said some good points on what it could do to me. I nodded my head slowly. Then a different question popped in my mind, one that could change many things and cause chaos if people found out.

"Can I join the Neverseen... again?" This seemed to throw them off a little but their faces showed amounts of happiness.

"O-ofcourse!" Lady Gisela stuttered.

I grinned, but it slowly faded when I realized something.

"What do I tell everyone else?" I asked, dreading the answer a little.

"Well" Ruy started. "We were thinking that you could be a double agent. Like Keefe was but this time, no one would know. Well, except us and you." Ruy shrugged at the end as if to say It's not that big of a deal, honestly.

I scowled at him. Then I heard a voice inside my head. Fitz's Voice. He was trying to reach me telepathically. I panicked for a second before remembering to put my mental walls back up. I could feel him poking at the edges, trying to get in but I guess my mind started to trust him less after his outburst. I looked to Gethen and told him, "Fitz is trying to transmit to me. What should I tell him?"

Gethen said," Tell him that you are at Brant's old house. Say that there are Neverseen members outside but they haven't seen you yet and you don't have a crystal with you. We will send some members there to sell it completely. Now tell him that he doesn't need to come but if he does, bring backup" I was surprised by how smoothly and calmly he had said all of that as if it was all planned but it probably might have been.

I looked at him wary but agreed to it. I transmitted to Fitz.

(Fitz's Transmissions/Sophie's Transmissions)

Fitz? Fitz! FITZ!!!

Zaina? Zaina, we were all so worried! You have been gone for 5 hours!! We thought you died or got kidnapped so Grady and Edaline asked me to transmit to you!

I cringed a little when I heard that I've been gone for five hours. But I still told him what Gethen told me.

Fitz, the Neverseen is back. I am at the Wanderling Woods. I'm stuck inside Brant's old house. There are Neverseen members outside. It sounds like they are looking for me. The reason might be because I know where Sophie is and-

You know where she is!!!??? Why didn't you tell me?? You have to tell me, please!

I felt a little anger but brushed it aside.

Listen, Fitz. If they capture me, they could go after Sophie and we can't have that. Now, come to Brant' old house and bring backup. There could be more coming here.

Alright. We'll be there in 5 minutes.

I looked up at everyone's expectant faces and told them that we had 5 minutes to set everything up. I grabbed Gethen, Ruy and Lady Gisela and started running. I cracked open the void, and then we tumbled out in front of Brant house.

"What was that!!!!!!!" Gethen screeched at me.

"We only had 3 minutes left so I just grabbed the three of you and teleported. Do you guys have a crystal with you that goes back to your base and all?" I waited until one of them nodded and continued. "Okay, let's get this show on the road!"

I went inside the house and pretended to be looking out the window discreetly. The others started to scour around, as if searching for someone. I saw a flash and there everyone was. The entire Collective and all of my friends. I was shocked to see everyone there but it eventually wore off to hatred toward the Collective. I calmed myself down, and looked outside just as Ruy put up a force field around themselves. He grinned.

"You can come out now, Zaina" I painted my face to look shocked. I mumbled "Switch" and walked out of the door, only to find a forcefield around me. I grinned internally. The Neverseen always had tricks up their sleeves even if it was unplanned. On the outside, I bit my lip pretending to be nervous.

Everyone looked scared to see me inside, and then fighting began. Tam summoned shadows to try to break through the forcefield, but Ruy had expected it so he had a forcefield back up when the other one broke. I stood there watching what the others were doing compared to the three members of the Neverseen. I was broken out of my thoughts by Lady Gisela talking.

"Well, well. What do we have here? The entire Black Swan Collective and the most important members? Oh, and little Zaina Modgell. Alas, we must take our leave but we can't go without the prize" Lady Gisela said and the next second there was Gethen behind me, putting a sweet cloth over my face and nose. I started to drift off but the last thing I transmitted in Mr. Forkles mind was Don't tell them I'm Sophie! Then the world went dark. 

Author Note: Chapter 5 is up. Hope you enjoyed. Also, if you have any suggestions or ideas on what I should do next, please comment it. Thanks

Word Count(including author note and this): 1102

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