Chapter 9

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I run through the pastures of Havenfield. I skid to a stop when I see a shadow of a person or more specifically a gnome. I felt tears threatening to flow, but I held them back as this could also be Flori or someone else. I walk closer, and the gnome turns around. Calla's face can be seen as she looks at me with shock. I feel my barriers break, and I fall to the ground sobbing. Calla rushes towards me and wraps her small hands around my body. Faintly, I hear footsteps coming closer and pause a little ways away. I finally looked up to see Calla starting to get up, and her eyeing everyone else. There were tearstains on her face which showed that she might have been here for a while, crying. I stand back up and look around at everyone. Everyone seems to be crying at some stage. Some were bawling their eyes out while others like Mr. Forkle had tears going down but not that many. I shook my head, trying to stop the tears or atleast lower the amount that would be coming. I try standing but my legs give out and I end up back on the ground with a thud. I hear footsteps running towards me but since my vision is too hazy, I couldn't see them. I feel someone press their hands near my neck and then I realize a second too late that this is a human way to make someone sleep. Before I pass out fully, I hear Gethens voice say, Midnight, Sharp. Don't be late. My eyes close and I fall into blissful darkness.

I woke up in my bed at Havenfield. It was inside the closet but still as large as the one outside. I closed my eyes again when a pounding headache came on. I took deep breaths and the migraine softened a bit. I got up and went outside the closet and inside the bathroom. After taking a long, hot shower I went inside my closet to look for something to wear. Just as I was about to choose something, I realized I was Zaina and had a bag full of dresses instead. I groaned and made my way towards the huge bag. I zipped it open and grabbed a random dress. It looked plain enough. Pulling it on, I sigh and walk over to Vertina. Since she didn't know that I was still Sophie, I decided to prank her. I walked in the range of the mirror. Vertina popped up, and was about to say something when she stopped and eyed me up and down.

"Who are you?" She asked, skeptically.

Instead of answering, I reply with a question.

"Do you like my dress? I like frilly dresses but plain ones are a bit more comfortable for casual wear. So, what do you think? Also, I am Zaina" Vertina just stares at me. She then smirked.

"It looks good, though I would suggest wearing some gold eyeliner with specks in it to bring out your brown eyes. Also, wear light pink lipgloss please. It would look great on you, Sophie" I looked at her, startled that she realized that it was me so soon. Vertina then laughed so hard that tears were falling. I wondered how that was possible since she was a tiny spectral girl programmed in the corner of the mirror. I just huffed and turned away. I walked back inside the closet and debated going downstairs. In the end, I gave up and started walking down the stairs. I made it halfway when I heard someone. I tip-toed down a little more so I could hear clearer. It sounded like Grady and Edaline were talking. I took a deep breath and walked down the remaining steps. I clear my throat and they look over at me. Edaline rushes over and wraps me in a big hug. I flinch a little as I know that they are the enemy now. Edaline looks at me and steps back. She then starts speaking.

"Oh Sophie, I was so worried that something might have happened to you while you were with the Neverseen and then they attacked again and the thing with Calla coming back. It's been a hectic day don't you think?" She gave me a small smile before gasping, grabbing my arm and pulling me out towards the door. I gave her a confused look which she ignored. That's odd, I think. She pulled/dragged me inside the kitchen, and there was Calla sitting with her back to me. I held back the tears that had started coming. Calla turned around when she heard us coming.

She smiled softly at me and told me, "You can stop pretending now, Sophie. It's me." I gasped, and felt tears pour down my face. I said Switch but it came out incoherent because of how much I was crying. Calla stared at me, awestruck by seeing me change my appearance but I couldn't care less. I tackled her in a hug, squeezing the life out of her. Calla wheezed, and patted my back trying to make me let her go so she could breathe. I laughed slightly, moving back to look at her and not choking her in a hug. She still looked the same. I let some more tears fall as I smiled at her.

"I missed you so much," I told her.

She just gave me a small smile as she said, "I did too. I remember all the times that we had with each other before I became a Panakes Tree and after." I wiped my face and gave her a smile. I then slowly frowned as I asked her, "How are you back?"

Calla bit her lip as she said, "There was a curse placed on me. It stated that 2 hours after what was stolen is returned, so will I if I had happened to become something else. That's how I am back. I however do not know what that means and neither does the Black Swan. It was something we had discovered while working on your genes"

I gasp, tearing up again. I think Mr. Forkle lied to the entire Black Swan except the Collective probably. He made them think that it was my genes they were working on but it was all a fake. I can't believe he would do such a thing!

On the outside I smiled. Me and Calla talked for an hour or so when Edaline told me that it was almost midnight and I should head up. My eyes widen when I realize that I should be receiving my things right about now. I quickly say my good nights and head up. Upon opening the closet and entering, I see 2 people in cloaks with the Neverseen symbol. They each had a bag with them. Both of them bow their heads and say, respectfully, "A honor to meet you, Phoenix." I look at them confusedly then realize that it must have been my name before the Black Swan took me. I do like it though.

They start talking then, "Well, here is everything you will need to get to our base and stuff like that. This is just a small starter bag for you to keep here for emergencies. The actual thing is in your Neverseen room" one of them said. I nod, understanding. Then I realize that I don't have my Ability Restrictor and ask them about it. The one who had stayed quite this entire time spoke up and said, "Here it is. Now put it on immediately and do not take it off" They said handing it to me. I put it on and marvel at it for a few seconds. Then I look up and ask them if there is anything else. They shake their heads no and lift a crystal up to the light and glitter away. I then looked at my imparter to check the time and it said 12:15 AM so I dug through the bags to find a crystal. After finding one, I put the rest of the bags under a loose floorboard I had found earlier. Then I go to my window, and lift the crystal to the light, close my eyes and glitter away. 

Author Note: I hope you guys enjoyed this happy reunion. Calla coming back is something I wish that Shannon Messenger does so since I'm writing my own plot, I decided why not. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed this chapter. If you have suggestions then please comment them. Thank you. 

Word Count (including author note and this): 1444

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