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Ch 95: Variance


I knew something was wrong as soon as I saw Viktor coming to me with a deep frown etched on his face.

I am out of my seat looking for Katherine.

"What is it?" I ask him sharply.

"There's been a blast at our warehouse. Nothing important is gone since the warehouse was empty but I thought you would want to know." He says.

"And Katherine?" I ask trying to keep the bite out of my tone.

"She was in the washroom, I put two men on her before coming."

I want to pull my gun out and shoot him between his eyes for this, I know his brain, I know why he had to inform to me but this... this is stupidity.

"I'll talk to you after this." I say calmly, walking towards the bathroom stalls.

There's the feeling of anguish which has multiplied tenfold. As soon as I am out of the door I run.

Scream. High, haunted scream, that's all I hear and my heart freezes. My gaze lands on the two men lying unconscious with two bullet marks between their eyes but I don't stop, I kick open the door and the sight I see is enough to be source of my nightmares for a very long time.

Katherine is on the floor, sobbing as she rocks herself, her words intangible as she chokes on air. I rush to her, my gun in hand, I look around, there's no one, no one for me to eliminate, no one for me to blame this nightmare on.

"Baby." I say crouching in front of her.

I gently lay my hands above hers on her knee, she screams, her face frozen in terror as she cries.

"N-no no... don't do, don't do... this.. I.." her words end on a sob that wrecks her whole body.

"Shhhh.... It's me... pcholka, it's Alexander." I try softly but my words don't reach to her.

"N-no plea... pleaseeee." She pleads looking at me. my heart breaks.

Holding her hands, I pull her on my lap even as she thrashes. I put my mouth near her ear and whisper the silent words never knowing if they will reach to her or not.

"They're here pcholka, they're here, safe, looking at you, come back to me, come back to your parents, they need you, I need you." I repeat it over and over until her movements cease and she lies still, her body shaking from vigorous sobs as tears streak down her face.

"I want to smell him." She says quietly.

"Who?" I ask.

"My father." She whispers brokenly.

There are questions I know I need to ask, things I need to look into, people I need to strangle, but all of it has to wait until my wife is well again.

"How?" I ask.

"Their house back home." She replies, burrowing deeper into me.

I look at Viktor and he nods before moving out with his phone.

"What happened?" I ask her softly as she looks into space.

"My Nightmare has come alive again." She replies before closing her eyes, as if the thought of seeing anything is painful for her.

"Which one?" I ask quietly.

"The one wrapped in darkness and blood." She murmurs. I pick her up and move straight towards the exit.

"The jet is all set to go back." Viktor informs me.

"Ask someone to bring Naomi on the air strip." I order.

I look down at my wife, but she is locked somewhere in a past storm.

I look outside of the window, as the buildings pass yet again wondering if this pain will ever ease up.

Do tell me your views on the chapter, I'll be posting the chapters soon, but since you all wanted me to post the next chapter, here it is... I hope you enjoy.

-love rky xoxo.

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