10. Tricks of my mind

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Saylors POV:

,,Hello Saylor"

The voice that the girl in question had hoped to never hear again cut through the silence like a knife. He was standing in front of her, almost nonchalant while smiling manically.

Her heart rate picks up, heart pumping so loud she can feel it in her head while her breath speeds up and her hands feel for something to defend herself with.

The bag she had been carrying mere seconds ago dropped to the floor with a soft thud as she stumbled backwards, straight into a lamp. It falls and breaks with a loud shatter and in the split second Saylor averts her gaze from Yasha, he disappears.

,,W-what? Where'd he-"

She breathed, her chest rising and falling quickly as she took a look around in an attempt to locate the man she was so afraid of. It was almost like he was a figment of her imagination, as if her mind was playing tricks on her.

Almost as if her powers malfunctioned.

,,Saylie? You okay, I heard shattering?"

Juliettes voice ripped the 16 year old from her thoughts, freeing her from the cage her mind had held her hostage in. She looked up, meeting her best friend's brilliant blue eyes.

Jules looked tired, running her hands over her face to get rid of the sleepiness that clouded her mind. Still, concern lingered in her eyes as she saw her best friend pressed against the wall with the shattered lamp beside her.

,,I think I'm going insane"

Saylor whispered, glancing at the destroyed lamp, then back at Juliette. Her eyes were filled with fear and panic, pupils dilated and her hands shook violently. Not once since she left the red room had she felt this unsafe.

Juliette's brows furrowed, partly confused partly concerned. She approached her best friend, careful not to step in any shards and brought her into a hug.

,,What do you mean, you're going insane?"

She asked in a soft tone, trailing her hands down the 16 year olds shoulders. Saylor shook her head, not knowing how to explain that she just saw the man who'd sworn to destroy her if she ever got out of the red room in their living room.

Before she could even string together a sentence, a skull splitting headache made its way into her brain. The girl let out a stifled groan, putting a hand to her temple as a memory flooded her vision.

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Winter 2013:

Screams filled the halls of the red room facility, followed by pleads and cries to stop. This was just after Saylor had tried to escape the nightmare she'd been living in.

Everything was blurry and grey, almost as if someone had sucked all the colour from the room, leaving only the bright red strain of blood on the floor. It was almost as if someone had been dragged along by the arms while their legs scraped the merciless concrete floors.

,,Остановись, пожалуйста, прекрати это (stop, please, stop it)"

15 year old Saylor pleaded, crying and begging as she is chained to the wall by the ankles. Her knees were bloody and scraped, she had a busted lip and several bruises littering her wrists.

She'd tried breaking out from her "room" which resembled a cell more than anything. Her left wrist was red and irritated, almost as if she'd tried squeezing her hand through something.

,,Ты никогда не убежишь. Это ваш дом, нравится вам это или нет (You wont escape, ever. This is your home, whether you like it or not)"

Yasha laughed, looking down on the 15 year old as if she was a bug he'd just successfully squashed. The girl looked up at him, her emerald eyes meeting his with enough venom in her eyes to kill someone.

,,Это НИКОГДА не будет моим домом (This will NEVER be my home)"

Saylor seethed, just before she received a kick to the ribs. She writhed in pain, pressing her lips together to suppress the emotions coursing through her.

,,Let this be your warning, Saylor"

Yasha spoke, his accent thick, yet dangerous. He gave a wave to two other senior widows, giving them the go to punish their fellow prisoner.

That day, Saylor learned a valuable lesson; if you're gonna do something, be strategic and tell nobody.

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Panting, the 16 year old regained consciousness over her surroundings. This was the second time she'd unwillingly relived memories she had purposefully blocked.

,,I-I saw him, he was there. Jules, I lost control over my powers, I was back in the red room. My- My powers are malfunctioning"

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A/N: Tbh, I shouldn't ever be left alone with Saylor ... I wouldnt live 2 seconds if she knew who did this to her lol
Also, the competition I started between -EJWrites- FoxXFlamethrower and xX_Meiflower_Xx is really hilarious, pls keep it going :D
Anyways, it's getting serious, any guesses on who Yasha might be other than some red room douche? :))
Okay, hope you enjoyed, have a great day/night, stay amazing and I'll see you around <33

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