15. The other side

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Natashas POV:

(Five minutes earlier)

,,Hurry the fuck up, Steven Grant Rogers, we're about to lose her"

Natasha shouted at the supersoldier, who was running about 2 meters behind her. They'd been notified that someone had been pulled into an alley and needed assistance.

How did they know it was Saylor? Juliette's house, also known as the girl's current residence was just a street away. Of course they couldn't be sure, but the chances were high.

,,Language, Natasha Romanoff!!"

Steve shouted back, matching the redhead's energy. She rolled her eyes before coming to a sudden halt. The former almost ran into her looking over her head to get a better view of the situation.

They had been right, it was indeed Saylor, who was in that alley, her tshirt drenched in blood at the same spot she'd been stabbed 2 weeks ago, and a small injury by the temple.

The girl had her gun pointed at the man Natasha recognised from the red room.

,,Who's tha-"

Steve asked, just to be shushed by the redhead. It was of upmost importance they stayed quiet to retain the element of surprise.

Nat's eyes fixated on Saylor, watching her every move. She had her suspicions about what was gonna happen but they wouldn't stand confirmed until the 16 year old pulled the trigger.

Internally, she hoped the girl would pull it and just put an end to this man, but her mind knew she wouldn't be able to. 1 minute later, her suspicion was confirmed, Saylor couldn't hurt the man so that meant she couldn't either.

She turned to Steve, who stared daggers at the man. His gaze softened once his eyes met hers, his brows furrowing in confusion.

,,You gotta take him out. I can't, I'll explain later"

Nat explained, her expression urgent. Before Steve could answer or process what he had to do, there was the sound of a body hitting the wall.

The duo whipped around, watching how the man forcefully grasped Saylor's scarred wrist. Natasha ran her fingers over her own wrist, tracing the same scars.

Steve looked back at her, remembering what she'd just said before throwing his shield at the man. He dropped to the floor as it hit him in the back, knocking him unconscious.

The duo went over to the girl that had been causing them so much trouble over the past 2 ½ years. Natasha knelt down to her level, studying every inch of her face. All she wanted to do was help, if only she'd let her.

,,You okay?"

She asked, trying to get a better look at the wound on the 16 year old's forehead, but she backed away, pursing her lips to hide the pain she was in. Natasha could see that even though she tried to be tough, Saylor was in agony.

The redhead averted her gaze for a split second to look at the man beside them. She recognised him as one of general dreykovs partners and great friends.

,,You haven't answered my question, kid"

She implied gently, trying to create a safe environment for the girl. Natasha knew how scared and mistrusting she had been, when Clint first offered her a second chance, an opportunity, the opportunity that changed her life for the better.


Saylor mumbled, before she went pale, her eyes rolling back into her head as she fainted. Steve was quick to catch her so she wouldn't hit her head once more, picking her up.

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