Chapter 128: Please Don't Hurt Me

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Adira Mall is normally quiet at this time of day and I appreciate it. We're the first ones at Good Eats. We should enjoy this meal and since it's on them because Glacee woke Ever up when she came in this morning, I'm ordering as much as I consume and much more.

"Ari, it doesn't take that long to order, what are you doing?" Taylor asks.

"I'm almost done. Here," I say and hand her the ordering dock.

Oh my goodness, the look alone on her face is priceless.

"Don't worry, most of it is being split and sent to the Men's and Women's Houses. Thank you," I say with a smirk.

"Why would you do that without asking?" she asks completely annoyed, to my amusement.

"Your wife woke my wife up so we're even," I reply, "Just pay it."

"Fine, I'll pay," Taylor mumbles as she makes the payment.

Glacee looks at my sweet Ever and gives me a look of sympathy.

"I'm sorry," Glacee says to Ever.

Ever nods her head as she yawns. She places her elbow on the table and rests her chin against it. There isn't any doubt she's tired. I'll make sure she takes a nap when we return without any interruptions.


Several of them plod against the floor surface in unison.

"Taylor, a group is headed this way," I say.

Taylor grabs Glacee, pulls her across her lap, and forces her to sit next to Ever in our U-shaped booth. As soon as she does, in walks Princess Lydia, Adela, Allison, Jolee, and Joi. Darn it, outnumbered by one.

They head directly toward us as if their sole purpose for being here is to meet with us. Ever perks up as soon as she notices them approaching.

Adela grabs two chairs from a nearby table and places them in front of our booth. Princess Lydia and Adela take a seat. Allison stands behind them, leaning against the table Adela pulled the chairs from while Jolee and Joi sit opposite each other at tables to the left and right of us.

Princess Lydia looks at us all one by one, "Please do not alert your family. It won't be necessary, we come in peace."

"You're not welcome here, go away," I say.

"I'm not here to talk to you," she says as she focuses her attention on Ever.

"I–, we look forward to spending time with you and getting to know you," she says to Ever.

Heat begins to rise within me. My breathing becomes heavy. From my peripherals, I notice Ever look my way. She places her hand on my thigh and the heat begins to dissipate.

"You will not get to know her at all," Taylor says.

"Sure I will, it is written in her contract to be accepted by both families. She has to get to know each of us," Lydia replies.

"She's spent time with the Chevaliers. Her training is coming to an end," Taylor says.

"She's spent time with the Elders. Not us. Since we are divided into four groups, Four leaders have to sign off on it. I'm not signing off if she doesn't meet her duties," Lydia says.

"How dare you? She's worked hard at being accepted by both families, why would you do that?" Glacee asks in a hurt tone.

"It's in my power to do so," Lydia says, "and nothing will make me sign unless she fulfills her duties."

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