Chapter 129: Unanimous

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"Baby, are you okay?" I ask in a panic as I grab hold of her face and study her eyes.

She nods her head and stares back at me. She places her hand on my cheek.

I take deep breaths to calm my heart, which felt like it would explode moments ago.

"Liam, she's fine, I'm sorry I didn't know it would affect you. I mean I've done it before and you–"

"Four nights ago, I know. I felt her leave. I flew to your room and saw that she was back, so I thought it was me," I say not disclosing the truth; I activated my secret Ever cam to see that she was fine.

"I'm sorry," Adrienne says.

"Don't do that again," I say as I hug Ever, "What if you accidentally sent her to Vacation Isle or Manufacture Island?" I ask.

"I didn't, I practiced holding her in my ray and I could feel her inside of me. I knew she was safe," Adrienne says.

"I, um– I felt Ari too," Ever says.

I pull her away from me and look at her. She seems fine. I pull her into my chest and shift her body on my lap. Her body becomes still.

"Love, what's wrong?" I ask.

"Please let me finish my training. I want everyone to um like," Ever says under her breath.

Adrienne stands from the bed and begins pacing across the floor.

"No, you're not going to spend two weeks with them. We don't know what they will do to you," Adrienne says.

"Please," Ever begs as tears begin to fall from her eyes, "This is important to me?"

She warps her arms around my neck, "Please, Liam. Please let me go?" she asks.

"Why is it so important to you? So important that you would risk your life!" Adrienne yells.

"Don't yell at her," I say.

"Shut up Liam! Someone needs to yell at her. You'll look at her and give in and there is no freaking way she is going over there alone, I won't let that happen!"

Ever stares at me and begins to weep. I wipe her tears away.

"Oh stop it, baby, you can't do that. We know this is important to you, but it could be dangerous for you. Okay let's just say they won't try to harm you but whose to say they won't try to get information out of you or try to get to Jinx Spade to do dirty work for them," Adrienne says.

Ever lays her head against my chest and I feel her arms shake.

"Please, it's just two weeks," Ever whispers.

"Yes, it's two weeks, two weeks too long for you to be alone with any of them," Adrienne replies with a calmer voice.

She's our heart, she's what we needed to seal our relationship, and she's been nothing but her sweet genuine self; she deserves the world but only asks for so little. This one thing I can do for her, I hope.

I lift her chin, wipe her tears away, and kiss her forehead. I place her on the bed.

"Stay here baby," I say as I approach Adrienne.

"No, don't freaking come near me, Liam! We're not giving in to her!"

"Sweetheart," I say as I wrap my arm around her.

"No, Liam!" she shouts.

"Sweetheart, just listen to me. Both of you," I say.

I pick Adrienne up, place her on the bed next to Ever, and lean against the opposite wall.

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