Percy jackson x siblings

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POV of Percy jackson


" Your lucky that your father send some men with you. I'll see you soon Zuko and also by the way my name isn't gonna be guard the next time we meet, it's Percy."


Percy walked through the cold blizzery storm and saw a mount of snow and saw a hole under the mount of snow and thought, I need shelter, maybe might as well see where that hole ends up to... "Ack!" as strong cold wind blasted me a bit back and I started coughing out... blood? Oh sh*t, I need shelter quickly... I used the blood to push me forward aganist the cold wind but then the world started turning black, sh*t, sh*t, sh*t. I sorry Katara and Sokka that I didn't survive...

POV of Katara

As Appa landed near the village I grabbed Aang and woke up Sokka, as we went in I gave up my tent for Aang and Sokka said we could share his tent and when gran-gran saw us she scolded us for the longest time in the world... Sigh well finally I am able to sleep, hopeful not an nightmare...


"Kart wake up!" Katara rubs her eyes and says," Big brother? Your alive?" Percy looked at Katara and felt her head and said," Hey, are you okay? Of course I'm alive!" Katara looked at him questioningly as Percy pulled Katara to see her mom and dad! She was so confused, what was happening? Her mom said," Katara your awake! I made your favorite soup!" then Sokka came out but in... southern water tribe warriot clothing? Sokka smiled and fist bumped Percy and said," Hail the new chief!" Percy bonked him on the head and said,"Wake up Katara, it's just a dream, OF NIGHTMARES!" the sence changed to where Percy was getting dragged away and Katara see her dead mother, "Augh!" yelled Katara and woke up the sound of ,

" Wake up Katara! Your screaming for some reason!" Katara groaned and said," I'm gonna get some freash air." Katara ran to the edge of the village where Percy would take her for there alone time togther and Percy used to say," Katara that's the star the will one day guide you when I'm gone and I will live up to be in you if I'm not with you okay?" "Mm'kay brother!" Katara smiled and said," Brother your just as hopeful right?

Sorry guys for a short chapter I'm so tired and I'm in a writers block... So sorry!

-Faves :P

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