Memories I

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POV of Aang

My head hurts... ah! What happened? Oh ya! Aang realized that he was shaking Percy hand when he black out. Huh were am I... a eerie dungeon?! I saw a boy who looked a lot like Percy then I saw that his silk white T-shirt and cotton shorts ... ripped? What happened to Percy? Oh ya, Katara told me that the fire nation took Percy to jail... Oh? 

A fire-nation guard walked in holding a cup of... water?! Isn't this jail? Then the solider lifted the helmet and said," Whewf! That was an workout I hadn't had in ages!" Percy rolled his eyes and said," Hurry up and spill the water so I can make the key for these chains!" 

The boy who had brown curly hair said," Geez, chill dude." Percy grumbled something under his breath and the boy spilled the water and Aang realized that Percy hands were chained! How was he gonna pick up the water? Then he saw Percy staring at the water and it lifted up and he stared forming the water into ice and made it look exactly like the  key hole and he smirked.

Then Percy freed his hands and said," Leo, have the key?" the boy that Aang found out his name was Leo said," Yup, let's get hopping buddy!" and Leo swirled the key and opened the jail cell that Percy was in and Leo said," Ready to run?"

"Whenever you are." and they ran and guards who were guarding the door was knocked out and Percy smirked and said," Leo why didn't you tell me that there were some guards I could play with?" Leo looked at him confused and said," Why aren't you scared of them?" Percy laughed like an Villain and he said in a raspy voice," I created a technique, bloodbending."

I didn't like Hama so I made Percy the-

(Percy comes in and with a giant Tsunami wave coming toward me)

Ahhh, sorry byee!

-Faves :P

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