Chapter 17

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Y|n's P.O.V.

Saskia lead me through the halls until we reached to the side entrance. We somehow made it to the car and right before I got in I heard a gunshot and screamed as something hit me hard on my side. I saw Saskia getting out of the car with a gun in her hand and I heard another gunshot before everything went black.

When I woke up I groaned as I felt a big pain on my side. I looked down and saw a bandage that was stained with blood.  I screamed and immediately heard Saskia's voice:

-Y|n, I know you're scared and it's perfectly normal just don't make any sudden moves.

I took in my surroundings and saw that I was in the car. Saskia was speeding down the highway, overtaking all the cars that were in our way.

-I want Jamie...

-I know. I already told him what happened but we can't get you to a hospital because there we would be exposed.

-How long was I out?

-About 3 hours. One more hour and we'll get to Jamie. The girls are very worried for you.

I nodded and groaned as another pain hit me hard.

Saskia looked at me and handed me a cloth.

-Here. Use this to press on your wound. It will help to stop the bleeding.

I took the cloth and did as she said.

-What happened to the man that shoot me?

She hesitated for a second and said:

-I killed him.

I was a little shocked by what she said, but it looked like she was used to killing people and she definitely knew how to use a gun.

When I asked Jamie about what they were doing at the partisans school he told me that part of their training was shooting. I knew sometimes Jamie had to kill people in order to do his job but I never saw him using a gun before.

Thanks to Saskia, the one hour transformed in 30 minutes.

We reached to another hotel that was way bigger than the one we stayed at.

She parked the car in the underground parking next to the one I recognised as Jamie's.

She called him to tell him we were there and got out of the car, heading over to my side. She opened my door and handed me a hoodie. She helped me to put it on before saying:

-Pull the hood over your head to cover your face.

I did as she did the same and I closed my eyes as by now the pain was unbearable. I heard her opening the trunk and one minute later I heard voices. I couldn't make out what they were saying since the only thing I could focus to was the pain caused by the bullet that was still in me.

One minute later, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw Jamie. I smiled and he smiled back before I moved to hug him, forgetting for a second about my wound. I groaned leaning back in my seat as he frowned before moving his gaze to the wound that I was still presing the cloth on.

-Oh, baby...

He closed his eyes and sighed before gently wrapping his arms around me, careful not to touch the wound in any way.

-This is worse than I thought.

-Jamie, it hurts...

He nodded and kissed my head.

-I know, baby, I know.

Saskia came from behind him.

-I'm sorry...

I looked at her and thought for a second before knowing what she meant.

-It wasn't your fault. You have nothing to be sorry for.

She opened her mouth again to say something but I shook my head:

-Saskia, no.

She sighed and nodded. Jamie kissed my forehead before taking a step back to give me breathing room.


-Yes, baby?

-I need to go to a hospital. But you won't stay there with me.

They both looked at me. Saskia said:

-Y|n, no! We can't leave you!

-You have to! I would only slow you down!

Jamie shook his head.

-Baby, we're not leaving you behind!

I reached my hand out and he grabbed it. I squeezed his hand before saying:

-Please, babe. You don't want me to be in pain right?


-Then this is the right thing to do. It's ok, babe.


-Babe. Please, it hurts.

He sighed and nodded.

-Ok. I'll take you.

I immediately shook my head.

-No. You and Saskia need to protect the girls.

Saskia said:

-And what about you? We're supposed to just leave you alone in the hospital? They can come for you anytime! Who will protect you then?

-And what if I come with you? I'm wounded! I would only slow you down! I need a hospital!

Jamie said:

-Y|n, listen to me.

He squeezed my hand that was still in his and said:

-You're right. You need a hospital and I can't stand seeing you like this anymore. But if you go there...

-I know. You won't be able to keep in touch.

He nodded.

-It's ok. I'll be fine. I'll eat, I promise.

He sighed and looked at Saskia.

-I'll take your car so I won't move her too much. Here's the key to the girls' room.

She nodded and I said:

-Tell them I said hi.

She walked over to me and rubbed my arm.

-Be safe for us, yeah?

I nodded and she smiled before leaving.

Jamie sighed again and I could see the hesitation in his eyes.


-It's ok. Let's go.

He smiled before closing my door.

He started the car and said:

-There's a hospital a few blocks away from here.

I nodded and he took my hand in his as he started driving.

He stopped the car infront of the entrance and turned to face me.

-I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you...

-It's ok. It's your job to protect them.

He looked at me before leaning in to kiss me. He cupped my cheek in his palm.

He pulled away after a few seconds.

-I'll come back to you as soon as all this is done, I promise.

I nodded and kissed him.

-I love you, beautiful.

-I love you too, babe.

He smiled and I smiled back.

He hesitantly got out of the car and ran inside to ask for a stretcher.

He came back and opened my door as the nurses placed me on the stretcher before rushing me inside.

I knew this was the last time I saw Jamie for a while so I looked at him one more time before the doors closed, separating us.

HealingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora