Radiant Glow

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"I am so very lost without you. Nothing and no one will ever replace you. And it terrifies me."

~Ranata Suzuki


"You are glowing, Victoria," my mother remarked, and I blushed at her comment.

"I don't know what you're saying, Mom," I replied, trying to play it off.

"You very well know what I'm saying, young lady," she declared with a knowing tone, and I quickly averted my eyes from the phone screen.

Out of the blue, my mother joined Aunt Isabel in our conference video call. Upon seeing my face, her first words echoed what my mom had said earlier.

"Dio Mio! Victoria, you are glowing," Aunt Isabel exclaimed.

My mother gave me a knowing look.


"Yes, Mom?"

"Are you expecting?"

"What... ah... no... no... no, Mom," I stammered, feeling flustered.

Aunt Isabel chuckled on the video call. "Well, we just had a feeling. You do have that radiant glow, dear."

"No, Aunt," I declined, and Aunt Isabel smiled warmly through the video call. "Your mother and I always seem to have a sixth sense about these things."

"No, Aunt, and how's Japan's weather? Have you seen the cherry blossoms? And how about your health, Aunt Isabel?" I quickly changed the subject, and for the next hour, we exchanged stories, laughter, and updates.

As we bid our goodbyes, I glanced at the digital clock on the wall and noticed the date. My menstrual cycle was always irregular, so I never paid much attention to it, but now my mom and Aunt Isabel had mentioned it, so my mind began to wander about the possibilities. It's been a month since we did unprotected sèx. First in my parents' house, second in the car, and every time Dominic finished inside me.

I was doing calculations on my fingers when he kissed my cheek. "Hey, what are you thinking this deeply?

I raised my head and looked at him "You arrived early today."

"No sweetheart, I arrived on time."

"Hmm." Lost in my thoughts, I didn't realize when Dominic arrived home from the office.
"What's occupying your mind so profoundly?" Dominic asked, taking me in his arms as he sat beside me.
"Nothing," I replied, resting my head on his chest, closing my eyes and listening to his heartbeat. In that moment, I couldn't help but imagine a small version of him in my arms.
"What do you think about having children?"
As my question reached him, he remained still. He momentarily forgot how to breathe, but suddenly he regained his composure and locked eyes with me.
"Are you pregnant, Victoria?"
"No, I'm just asking."
"Thank God," he sighed with relief, then grabbed an apple from the table and take a bite.
"I don't want children, Victoria."

"We are still young, and I want to give you the whole world. A child would ruin all my plans."

"What?" I asked, shocked, creating some distance between us. He sensed my shock and grabbed my hands in his.

"I just mean, I want to focus on you and our marriage without the added responsibility. And you're still studying, so introducing a child into the picture would only..." He paused, carefully choosing his words. "...add complexities to our lives at this moment."

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