The Date

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"Maybe she needed someone to show her how to live and he needed someone to show him how to love."
~N.R. Hart.


"I'm sorry."

"I'm not upset, Dominic," I said, my tone softening as he tenderly brushed his lips against mine. And settled me on the passenger seat.

He flashed a charming smile and hopped on the drivers seat. As we settled into the plush leather seats of his car, the soft hum of the engine filled the air, as he was Abou to start the car his phone rang abruptly. Without checking the caller ID, he swiftly silenced it. But before he could relax, the phone buzzed again, prompting him to repeat the action. I reached out, gently halting his hand mid-motion.

"You should take this call, Nic. It might be important," I suggested, my voice filled with concern.

He offered me a thankful smile before accepting the call. I watched as his expression shifted while he listened attentively.

As Dominic ended the call, he turned to me with an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, Victoria, but we first need to head to Sebastian's office. It's really urgent."

"No problem," I said with a smile, settling comfortably into the seat.

"Have I told you how perfect you are?" Dominic's voice carried an affectionate tone.

I chuckled. "Yes... let me think, umm... specifically, this is the second time," I replied, pretending to count on my fingers.

He laughed at my response, then motioned for me to fasten my seatbelt as he did the same. With a nod, he drove away.

As we arrived at Sebastian's office, I suggested to Dominic that he could leave me in the car, but he insisted on bringing me along. So, I found myself seated in the waiting area outside Sebastian's office.

The sound of heels clicking against the floor caught my attention, and I looked up to see Layla approaching me with a smile.

"Victoria, what are you doing here?" Layla asked, scanning the room. "Are you alone? And most importantly why are you here?"

"No"I returned her smile."I'm not alone, I'm here with my husband. He got an urgent call from Seb while we were on our way to lunch."

"Oh, what brings you here?" I asked Layla, genuinely curious about her presence.

Layla pointed towards Sebastian's grandfather's office. "My old man is here, that's why I'm here."

She then extended an invitation. "I was actually about to grab my lunch. If you don't mind, you can join me."

I smiled. "No, Layla, you're the one joining us. Just give me a moment to check how much longer they'll be."

Just as I stood up to open the door, it swung open, revealing Dominic and Sebastian stepping out of the office simultaneously.

"Let's go, sweetheart," Dominic said, taking my hand. But before he could lead me, I informed him, "Layla is also joining us. I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all. Let's go," he replied with a smile.

As we were about to leave, Sebastian's voice interrupted us. "Where are you all going?"

"To grab some lunch," Layla answered, stepping towards the exit.

Sebastian looked at her with a meaningful expression, then turned to Dominic. "Can I also join you? I'm about to grab my lunch too."

"Of course," Dominic replied.

As we settled inside the car, Dominic and I took the front seats while Layla and Sebastian occupied the back.

Suddenly, Layla's excited voice filled the car, "Guys, I know a restaurant with mouthwatering food."

"Okay, let's go there then," I replied warmly.

Layla directed Dominic to the restaurant, and as I glanced back, I noticed Sebastian gazing at her with a depth of emotion, while Layla remained completely unaware of his gaze.

Thirty minutes later, our car was parked in front of a small yet cozy restaurant. As we stepped out of the car, Layla grabbed my hand, her face radiant with childlike joy.

"You know, Victoria, the dessert here is something else. Once you taste it, you'll have the flavor for a lifetime. Believe me, their food is amazing," she exclaimed enthusiastically.

Excited by Layla's enthusiasm, I couldn't help but smile. "That sounds fantastic! I can't wait to try it."

Dominic and Sebastian shared a look of amusement as Layla led the way into the restaurant. We found a table and settled in, As we perused the menu, Layla shared more of her favorite dishes, her eyes sparkling.

A few moments later, a handsome man approached us, clad in chef attire. "Are you guys ready to order?" he inquired, but as his gaze fell on Layla, a wide smile spread across his face. "Long time no see, Layla. How have you been? And you've brought some friends along, I see."

Layla returned his smile warmly, her eyes betraying a hint of affection. "You're looking as dashing as ever, Jack. I've been great, thanks. And no, they're not all my friends," she clarified, gesturing towards me. "She's my friend, and he's her husband. And that gentleman is my junior boss."

"Good to hear," Jack responded with a polite smile, before refocusing on his duties. "So, are you all ready to place your orders?"

Layla's playful demeanor shone through as she quipped, " you are looking so handsome today, I can eat whatever your talented hands cook up for me."

"Oh Layla you are such a sweetheart" Jack said as a slight blush covered his face.

"Yes I'm your sweetheart." Layla winked at him and I couldn't help but grin at Layla's charming antics, finding her light-hearted flirtation both amusing and endearing.

Layla was too engrossed in flirting with Jack that she became oblivious to her surroundings. Her daydream was abruptly interrupted when someone cleared their throat, and she turned her head to see Sebastian, who appeared visibly angry.

Confused by Sebastian's sudden anger, Layla watched as he got up from his chair and informed her, "We are leaving, Layla. We have an important meeting in 15 minutes."

"Okay, so go now," Layla shrugged, fixing her attention on Jack once again.

"Stand up, Layla," Sebastian said in a dark voice, his jaw clenched with frustration.

"No, you have a meeting. I don't, so why should I follow you? And you're not even my boss," Layla retorted defiantly.

"Stand the fúck up, Layla, or I can throw you over my shoulder," Sebastian threatened, his patience wearing thin.

"Don't be a caveman." Layla frowned. "I'm not leaving," Layla protested and just as she was about to resume her flirting, Sebastian took matters into his own hands. With surprising strength, he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.

Dominic and I both looked on in shock and confusion as Sebastian carried Layla out of the room, her protests echoing down the hallway.

"What was that?" I questioned, my expression still shocked.

Dominic shrugged, a bemused expression on his face. "I never thought a day would come when Sebastian, the very open-minded person, would become territorial."

"Now, back to the topic," Dominic said, steering the conversation away from the surprising scene we had just witnessed.

"We are on a date," he continued, flashing me a charming smile that never failed to make my heart flutter.

End of the chapter
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