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Soft tender lips upon mine. My first kiss.

My eyes wide open from shock. All what's I could see was soft dark brown eyelashes fluttering every once in a while. The skin was shining in the dark of the room as a dim light was on in a corner. It was Will.

I wasn't kissing back, I was stiff. Nothing was working. My eyes can't close, I can't melt in the kiss... the kiss what I do deeply wanting to kiss back to but all I could think about was Jane.

His arms at his side inching to touch me but then I felt his lips loosen. No fuck he was pulling away. I didn't want him to pull away.

At the very last second where his lips were just an inch from leaving mine, I grabbed the neck of his shirt pulling him back to me. Kissing his lips back. Warm, wet kiss. His arms grabbed my waist as he holds me closer to him so my back wasn't against the door anymore.

My arms slowly snake their way up around his neck, bringing him further down my height so I could kiss him deeper. His tongue licked my bottom lip casing me to let out a small moan what he took advantage off and let his tongue invade my mouth.

His teeth hitting against mine, his tongue colliding against mine while he sucks my breath away. Will' hands went under my shirt on my sides feeling my skin. Pulling me as close as possible to the point of my legs was stuck between his.

Then I pulled away slowly. My body goes limp as I fall back on the door letting my hands fall to my side. Will still holding me, staring at me while I catch my breath. Our eyes locked.

Opening my mouth to say something only to be cut off by Will himself.

"It was driving me mental seeing you with my sister all night." He admit moving his body further away from mine. I almost frowned.

Key word: almost.

"Jealous?" I asked in a teasing manner.

"Oh you," He came closer to my face. "have no idea." His hand rested on my cheek leaning down kissing my lips.

Both his hands rolling down, feeling down my body as mine just rested around his neck. Soon he cupped my ass making me nip at his lips.

"Wanna get in a more comfortable position?" He asked making me nod my head.

His hands went down to my thighs, jolting me up on him. My legs don't wrap around as he began to walk backwards.

I'm guessing he didn't know where he was walking as the next thing I know he fell backwards onto his bed making the pair of us crack up into fits of laughter.

My hands on his chest while I desperately trying to control my laughing fit. Will' hands started roaming around up and down my thighs. Our lips moving together. Feeling his hands gently touch up my ass. He removes my phone from my pocket and pulls his lips back.

"How can people not tell your ass is gay? Phone in the back pocket is a dead giveaway." He took my phone and placed it under his pillow.

"Shut up dork."

"So you do like me, dork."

I rolled my eyes leaning back to his lips. He only laughed as his hands went back to their places on my body.



Pulling away from Will slightly confused as he grabbed my phone from under his pillow again. He rolled his eyes and gave it to me.

Straightening my body, straddling his waist while I look at the user who was calling me.


Rolling my eyes as I answer placing the cold phone screen to my ear. Will leans up and started kissing at my neck while I let my fingers thread through his hair.

Janes step-brotherWhere stories live. Discover now