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It was now the new year and I couldn't tell you that the end of last year was my favourite. I got to see Will everyday, kissed me on new years secretly in his room as we had a small family gathering round his with mine and their family along with our friends. Christmas was better this year, Will snuck into my window just to give me a gift.

It was a new pair of plaid pyjama pants, this time yellow and black and honestly I can't get out of them. They're so comfortable.

My feelings were only getting stronger and stronger for this man. The way he kisses me softly. Squeezes my waist while I'm pinned to his bed.

We haven't done anything and I don't think we can. I'm a minor but I can feel myself getting ready every time he holds me in the most daring places.

I just want to rip his clothes off and let him fuck his name into me so it was the only thing what I could remember.

Right now I was making my way over to him to surprise him. To see his goofy smile every-time i climed into his room. I just want to have him in my arms right now. It was still snowing as it sits on the naked branch's of the trees, the ground still covered but small trails where people have been walking.

Soon feeling another presence coming towards me. Looking up to see an outrage Will. His hands in fists dangling at his sides. His lips tight together as he clenches his jaw walking a super sonic speed.

He was wearing a while plain shirt with black sweatpants bagging at the sides of his hips. Shoes were undone. Then he just walked right past me. Like he didn't even notice me but I saw him look right at me.

"Will." I call out speeding my feet following behind him. "Will please." I call out again grabbing his elbow only for it to get swat away. "Will..."

He turns to me and I could see his face clearer. He looked frustrated and maybe even a little confused or upset anything but thrilled to see me like he normally is.

"What's wrong?" I ask walking closer to him. He didn't have a jacket and looked freezing cold. His lips were a light blue along with his fingernails.

"Jane. All what she ever talks about is you. How you make her feel, what she wants with you, I can't speak up and say what I want with you how you make me feel I just have to sit there and fucking listen to her talking about you." I blink my eyes trying to let his words sink in.

He wants to talk about us? Like openly? Wont he be fucking scared that he's kissing a minor and his parents-

"I walked out, I couldn't handle her talking about you like that, that you're hers and not... mine."

Feeling frozen in one spot looking at him. I couldn't get myself to speak. To tell him that he is mine and I want to make us official- or would that be too much? Too much on him... he could leave me at god any given moment and I can't do shit... because well I'm a child still.

He only nods when I don't speak and walks away. I ran after him trying to grab his hand but he just swings and swings away. To the point I lost breath and started walking slower.

But I'm not giving up on him.

On us.


A/N: I'm so sorry this is so short...

Hope you enjoyed the chapter ml!

Janes step-brotherOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant