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The drive was quite easy and extraordinarily quick. John was surprised that he had never seen this area before. He quickly strode into the small, wooden house, forcing his posture to straighten. John rushed down the stairs, nearly falling.
Paul was still leaned against the same wall, entirely spaced out. His head was pointed upwards.
John almost dove towards him.
"Paul, is everything alright? Did Billy do anything else to you? I promise that nothing else is going to harm you, nothing will," John soothed quietly.
"Where've you been?" Paul asked drowsily.
"You were kidnapped, that's what happened. He wanted to replace you, but I could never let that happen."
"I was trapped," Paul's voice trailed off, his head lowering. His eyes were still somewhat open.
John slowly pulled Paul into his arms as gently as possible.
"Do you know why I'm here?" Paul questioned softly, his voice nearly fading.
John shook his head. "It's all going to be okay. You're safe here. It's alright, Paul, it's alright," he repeated, running his hand thinly through Paul's hair.
"I'm going to get you out of here," John stated as he wrapped his arm around Paul's shoulder, firmly standing up. Ringo joined him for extra support.

The drive back was quiet. Not the type of quiet with slight wisps of tension in the air, but a quiet that fills the air and seems loud.
The pair quickly laid Paul down onto the couch, John sitting next to him.
George was still in heavy conversation with Billy, but it seemed to be more of a lecture than actual talk.
"Billy?" John called out.
"What'd you give Paul? He looks like he's in a whole other dimension and I mean that in a concerning way."
"Oh, uh, I don't actually remember what it was—"
Billy stopped talking when he saw John's reaction. John's jaw was as slack as it could possibly be.
"You don't even know? It could've been cyanide for all I know!" John exclaimed.
"It was a mixture of a few things, actually. I stored it all together."
"That's better, I guess. Still, it's inexcusable. You tried to kidnap one of my friends and an important member of our band. What in the world is wrong with you?"
"I thought I already told you my motives," Billy replied coldly. John took in a sharp inhale.
"I gave him a good talk. Didn't I, Billy?" George looked back over at him. Billy nodded nervously.
"You know that you're your own person, right? You can't actually replace anyone?"
Billy gave another small nod.
"Good. Now, I better not see you around here again. Got it?" John interjected smoothly.
"I guess so," Billy murmured.
John got up and shoved Billy out the door relievedly, shutting the door loudly and locking it.
"I think he's terrified of not doing what he's meant to do in life. Feels like he'd be punished by God or a being like that. He takes it out poorly on other people, though," George thought out loud.
John exhaled, going back over to the couch. Peace was back again.
John wouldn't have to worry about any extreme topics for a long while. Stress never did anyone any good.
"I told you, Paul. It all worked out," John patted the end of Paul's leg, the area towards his foot.

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