Chapter 2: Recovery

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Jaime's POV


I looked at the large holographic figure of Chloe next to Wally's. Yes, her's was ever so slightly taller if you looked at it from an angle. Both of their death's were my fault. Wally's because I should've told everyone else what Scarab had predicted, and Chloe's because I had promised to protect her. "Y'know, I've learned that starting won't help bring them back." I heard a voice behind me say, and I turned to see Artemis. "I know. It's just... I wish I could have done more." I said as she came to stand next to me. "I know how that feels. Maybe if I just could've been there sooner-" She said. "I could have saved them." We both finished, and she offered me a smile. "It takes a lot of time to recover, but It'll be okay." She said as she put a hand on my shoulder, and I nodded. I stuffed my hand in my pocket, and felt Chloe's necklace.


Chloe's POV



"Get up. It's time to leave." A guard said to me as he pulled me out of my cell bed, which was basically a bunch of sheets in the corner. "Hey! I need my nine hours! These looks don't come naturally!" I said as he placed a restrictor collar on my neck, arms, and legs. "Sure." Rebecca said as she leaned against my cell door. "Say goodbye to your friend." She said as we passed by Hal's cell. "Bye. I hope I'll see you again." I said as I smiled at him, which he returned. "I promise you, Clo, we'll get out of here." He said. Before I could say anything else, the guard shoved me along. We walked down the hall, and down more and more staircases. Finally we reached a large metal door, with a metal square cut in the center.

The guard knocked three times, and the door opened. In the center was a large chair, and it had a large metal bowl on it with a bunch of wires sticking out of it. "Uh, this doesn't look like a cell." I said as the guard threw me into the chair and strapped my arms and legs down. "You're correct, it's not. This is the manifestation chair." Rebecca said as she began to walk out of the room. "Great, another dumb name. What exactly does it do?" I asked. "You'll see soon." She replied, then slammed the door shut. I looked around the room and noticed a glass frame. I saw Rebecca talking to someone who looked to be a scientist. She winked at me, and I heard metal creaking.

I looked up to see the large metal bowl, lowering, and when it stopped, my world went dark.


I gasped as I opened my eyes. I was back in the Watchtower, my old uniform on. I looked around. I looked around, I was standing right next to Bart, but he looked different. His messy red hair was longer, and his uniform resembled Wally's more. I threw my hands over my mouth as tears leaked down my face. "Bart-" I began, and I reached out to touch his shoulder, but my hand passed straight through it. I was tired again, but it went straight through. "Bart. Bart!" I said as I waved a hand in front of his face, but he didn't notice me. I looked to my other side, and there was Gar. He was a bit taller too, and he had grown out of the monkey form. His uniform was now red and white, but he was still green.

"Gar!" I said as I put my hand out, but I also couldn't touch him. Then he walked straight through me. I watched as he went over to Bart, who gave him a fist bump, and then they both walked forward. I looked in front of me. Everyone was there. Dick stood at the front with Artemis giving mission orders. They both looked older and taller. Babs, Tim, and Cassie stood to the side listening, Bart and Gar going to join them. I noticed two people I didn't recognize. She had dirty blonde hair and a red uniform with arrows. Another girl stood next to her, with a purple and black uniform with a hood and mask. Judging by the way she covers up so much, she must've been a Batman protege.

Then there was M'gann and Conner. M'gann had chosen her White Martian form with no hair, but still the same hair. Conner had a lighter gray long sleeve shirt, but still had the Superman logo. Then I saw him. He was a lot taller, and more muscular. But his brown hair was still the same, and his brown eyes were still beautiful. "Is... is this real?" I muttered as I looked at myself. My question was answered a second later, when a girl walked right through me. She had brown hair pulled back into a ponytail, a gray suit, and brown eyes. She walked over and stood right next to Jaime, and smiled at him. He smiled back, and then my heart broke when I realized what they were doing. They were holding hands. "No. No, no, no, no, no!" I said as I ran over and looked at both of them.

"I'm not dead! I'm right here! Please, please see me!" I screamed to the whole room, but no one moved. I then had a thought. I ran down to the atrium. I dropped to my knees when I saw my holographic figure right next to Wally's. It was even a bit taller. I began to cry. They thought I was dead. They weren't wrong, technically. I sobbed and sobbed. Then, somebody walked through me again. I looked up. There was John. "John! John, please." I said as he stopped in front of my statue. "Dad." I said as I tried to put my hand on his shoulder, but it went right through. More tears leaked down my face. "Hey, Clo." He said, and I quickly looked up in hope.

But he wasn't looking at me. He was looking at my holographic figure. "It's practically been a year. Crazy, right? We all still miss you. But, it looks like everyone moved on, except me." He said as he looked back down. "I'm right here, please, please." I said as I dropped to my knees again. I tried to grab his hand, but mine went straight through. I sat there and cried as he looked up at my statue. Then, the ground beneath me began to crumble. "No, no, no, no!" I screamed as I fell right through.

I sat up and gasped for air. I was back in the room. Rebecca was standing right over me, smiling. "Was that even real?" I asked quietly as tears flowed down my face. "Every single part. The manifestation chair was made to show people the present moments, but they can't do anything in it. So wherever you went, it was real, and currently happening." Rebecca said. I looked down at the ground as I cried. They had really moved on without me. "Bring her back to her cell." Rebecca said as she walked away. "Should we move her to Cell Block One yet?" A guard asked. "Not yet, give her a few more days." Rebecca said.

The guards grabbed me by the wrists and dragged me up. I cried the whole way to my cell. "Chloe!" I heard Hal's voice as the guard threw me into the cell. I pulled myself into a ball and cried as the guard locked the cell back up. "Chloe, Chloe, look at me. Are you okay? What did they do to you?" I hear Hal ask. I looked up slightly, my face still filled with tears. "I... saw everything. They've all moved on without me. The Team and the League. They-they think I'm dead. They don't know I'm still here." I said as I burst back into tears. Hal didn't say anything else. "I'll be okay." He said, and I cried some more.

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