Chapter 12: Therapy can suck Nightwing

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Chloe's POV


"So what's the plan?" I asked as I walked into the Watchtower the next morning. "PLAN?!" The whole room echoed in shock. By the whole room, I also mean the Leaguers who were there. "Yeah, plan? Y'know, what are we gonna do about my sis?" I asked as I crossed my arm. "Chloe, you just got back! You already want to go back out into the field?" Artemis exclaimed. "Yeah, why not? I haven't kicked ass with you guys in like, what? Two years!" I said. "Actually, you're required to go to a mental evaluation to get back on the field, since you haven't 'kicked ass' with us in two years." Dick said. "You've got to be kidding me! No way I'm going to therapy!" I exclaimed. "Yes, you are." Kaldur said. "You guys are going to have to take me kicking and screaming." I said as I stuck out my tongue.


"JAIME REYES, I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DON'T PUT ME DOWN I'M GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS THE NEXT TIME WE TRAIN!" I exclaimed as Jaime still continued to carry me over his shoulder to Black Canary's office. "You're really light, should I be concerned?" He said, changing the subject. "Put. Me. Down." I said as I kicked. "Wow, we literally took you kicking and screaming. Crash." Bart said from Jaime's side. "Oh, shut it. I don't need stupid therapy. I'm perfectly fine!" I exclaimed. "You had a mental breakdown last night, and this morning before we went to the Watchtower." Jaime replied. I glared at him. "Annndd we're here." Jaime said as he put me down in front of a door. The sign on the door read, 'Dinah Lance, Therapist'.

"Why don't we just go get food instead?" I muttered as Jaime knocked on the door. "No." Jaime replied, then the door opened. I'd never seen Black Canary out of uniform. Dinah Lance was a tall blonde woman with blue eyes. She gave us a warm smile. "I wasn't expecting you all so early, please, come in." Black Canary said as she stood aside for me to come in. "We'll see you later, okay?" Jaime said as he kissed me on the forehead. I smiled, and then gave Bart a fist bump before both boys walked away. I walked into Black Canary's office, and it looked exactly like a therapist office. Sandbox in the corner, plants, scented candles, that kind of stuff. It also had a large couch, which I sat down in, while she sat in a chair across from me.

Then we had a staring contest. A very long one. "As much as I love a good staring contest, we need to start the session." Black Canary said, and I gave her a small smile. "I don't really know why I'm here. I'm perfectly fine after all." I muttered. "Alright then, so there's absolutely nothing you want to talk about? No trauma, or mental stress?" She asked. "Nope." I replied, popping the 'p'. "So then, can we talk about what it was like when you were trapped in your own mindscape?" Black Canary said. I tried my best not to show the panic on my face. "Sure, whatever you want." I said as I began to play with my hair. I missed my curls. Black Canary pulled out a notebook. This was going to be a long session.

"Mindscape, right. Um, it was really dark. The puzzle was very stressful-" I began, but she held a hand up. "Let's start from the beginning. What was it like, the first time you woke up in the mindscape?" Black Canary said as she clicked her pen and began to write. I sighed, and started from the beginning.


"Volt, B-23." The system announced as I walked back in. "So how'd it go." Gar asked as I sat down on the stairs next to him, and the rest of the team. "Fine. I'm cleared or whatever." I muttered as I leaned my face in my hands. "Fine? That's it?" Jaime said. "Fine, yeah. So what's the plan?" I asked as I leaned back. "We... still don't have one." Artemis replied. "Cool. Okay, I'm going to go." I said as I stood back up, and walked down to the atrium.

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