Chapter 7: Red is the new yellow

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Jaime's POV


"Okay, we look pretty nice." Bart said as we sat in the limo. He wasn't wrong. Me, him, Dick, and Conner were all in tuxedos, while the girls were all in long dresses. "So what's the plan?" Conner said as M'gann fixed his bow tie. "We need to seclude one of them. Then we'll figure out the rest from there." Dick said as he fixed his hair. Finally, the limo stopped in front of a large building. The Wayne Manor. "Dammnnn." I whispered as we got it. "Everyone knows the plan?" M'gann said as we walked in, and we all nodded. "Good, let's split up." She said, and we all headed our separate ways. "Excuse me sirs, your masks?" A man in a tuxedo asks. That's when I realized that everyone in here was wearing masks. "Oh, yeah, thanks." I say as he hands me and Bart masks.

"This is so crash, look at all the food!" Bart exclaimed as he grabbed small pieces of food from the waiter's trays. "So, who exactly are we looking for?" He said as he stuffed a piece of chocolate in his mouth. "Chloe or Rebecca, I guess." I say as we continue to make our way through the crowd. "Holy crap, this place is big, how are we ever supposed to find anybody, especially in these masks?" Bart says as he pops more food in his mouth. "We'll find them, probably." I mutter as we walk into the main room. Above was a massive crystal chandelier, and below were tons of people dancing. "This mission just got so much worse, can you dance?" I ask Bart, and I groan as he shakes his head.

That's when I see her. She was wearing a long red dress, a red mask matching, but you could still see her unmistakable blue eyes underneath. Her hair was pulled back into a fancy braided style. "Is that... Chloe?" Bart asks. "Yeah." I mutter as I watch her talk to a man in a tux. "C'mon." I say as the man walks off. She immediately sees us coming, and rolls her eyes. "Can't I have a night in peace?" She says in a sour tone as we stand in front of her. Something was off. "What? Don't like my dress?" Chloe says as she grins. "We're not speaking to Chloe, are we?" I say. "Nope. My sister doesn't like to talk much anyway, but I didn't feel like going to this gala thing." Chloe says as I clench my fists. "Rebecca." Bart mutters in shock. "Bingo." Rebecca says.

"So why are you two here? You don't exactly strike me as the type to come to a fancy party. Seems like more of a Dick Grayson thing to do." Rebecca says as she smiles, using the inside joke Chloe had with Dick. "Oh, I get it, you came to see her, didn't you? Well, in case you couldn't tell from last time, she's gone. There's nothing left of her up here." Rebecca said as she pointed to her head. "So you might as well just go home, because your stupid little 'mission' is going to fail. My plans are already happening as we speak." She said as she crossed her arms. "Plans?" Bart asked. "Of course. All the richest resource traders are here tonight, I have a few guards in the crowd, nobody would notice for the next few days if they were gone." Rebecca said. Then she smiled. "Dance with me." She said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the dance floor. I looked at Bart for help, but he shrugged.

As soon as we got to the floor, the music changed to a slow waltz. "This is all timed, isn't it?" I asked and she smiled. "How did you know?" She said, and I groaned. "You know, we won't let you get away with this right?" I said, and she laughed. "You sound exactly like Chloe. She was so confident that she would be alright, but look at her now." Rebecca said, and I did my best to control my anger. "Besides, she should've known that nobody was going to save her. Her destiny was to always be a Champion of Helma. And now, she is nothing without me." Rebecca said as we continued to dance. "I suppose you would like to speak with her, wouldn't you?" Rebecca said, and my eyes widened. "Come on, we don't have all night." She said as the music ended, and she walked away.

"Uh, dude, what was that?" Bart asked as I watched Rebecca walk away. "C'mon." I said as I followed after. "But the chocolate!" Bart exclaimed as he walked after me. I grabbed a piece off a tray and tossed it to him, and then hurried after Rebecca.


"Dude, I think we lost her." Bart said as we turned down another hallway, and stopped to look around. "Ugh. C'mon we should get back." I said as I turned to walk the other direction. "You boys are so impatient." I heard Chloe's voice behind us, and I turned to see her in the same suit, with the mask up again. "Well?" I said. "Well what?" Rebecca said. "You said I was going to talk to her." I said as she played with her nails. "Oh, that was just a distraction. Right about now, everyone else on your team should be in the exact same spot you're in, 'talking' with illusions of me. And 3... 2... 1." She counted down. Suddenly there was a loud explosion from behind us, and screams. "So now you have a choice. You can go after me, or save all those people in there." She said as she walked over to a nearby window.

"I'll be waiting." She says as she kicks the window, and jumps out. Me and Bart quickly run after, and breathe a sigh of relief when we see her flying away. "Uh, guys, we have a problem." Conner says through the telepathic link. "So do we." Dick replies. "Us too." Bart said. "I think we need to compare notes." Dick said, and so we did. "Then it's settled. Me, Blue, and KF will go after her. Connor and M'gann will handle damage control." Dick said. "And I'll work comms." Oracle said. A second later, Dick appeared in full costume. "Let's do this." He said. Bart ripped off his suit, to reveal his KF costume, and I armored up. Then, we all jumped out the window.

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