The bad guys meet spy fox

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(A request from:coollion2873 )

It was raining in Los Angeles and as the rain poured, it rained down on a maximum security prison.

Then as thunder struck, panning down outside the fence of the prison, a hand covered in dirt coming out of a ground.

"UGH!" Then another hand came out and a body pulls from a hole dug on the other side of the fence.

  meaning someone has broke out of prison and getting up lighting reveals Thomas chesterfield.

He was covered in firth after escaping then he walks away from the prison.

later that morning the bad guys are heading home after long days work at the office.

The car pulled up and they head inside their home, but little did they know...someone has broken in.

Their place was wrecked and a mess, "someone's broken in...careful guts it could be Thomas" wolf says as they all scatter to find the intruder.

Then jumping out of the chimney was a fox in a white tux, his name, the world's greatest spy: spy fox.

"I've infiltrated the bad guys base, now all I need to find my informant. He has vital information that I must get back to SPY Corps"

He heads to the kitchen, looking around, he places his finger on his chin to think and opens the fridge to find his friend: monkey penny.

"I hope you've got the cure for the common criminal in there for me"

"Here, take this dipstick" monkey penny hands him a lipstick.

"Sorry, that's not my shade, I'm an 'autum"

"It's not really lipstick-spY Fox, it'll knock the bad guys out."


"Do you remember the plan"

"Yes, find the bad guys and take them in, I was given my orders"

"Just do t want you to be screwing up this mission is important and it's Much important that we don't get-"

But suddenly the lights came on revealing to be Mr wolf who looks unpleased.

"Well what do we have here intruders" wolf says when his friends came in.

"I don't know who you think you are but you came to the wrong house"

"I am spy fox"

"Spy fox!" Monkey penny scolds him.


"Whoever you are, you'll learn not to break into someone's house"

"I'm not breaking I'm infiltrating the bad guys lair"

Fox and wolf pounced on each other then started attacking them piranha attacked monkey penny who gasped and ducks.

Piranha misses and went sliding across the floor and drops a priceless vase on the floor breaking it.

He growls and jumps again, webs uses her webs as a trip wire when spy fox walks back as shark punches him then snake wraps himself around spy fox.

But spy fox pulls him off and throws him into wolf who was chasing at fox but he caught snake and they both fell.

Then wolf gets up and jumps on spy fox causing them to both trip on the wire.

"Who sent you here was it Thomas...or are you an enemy spy?" Wolf asked.

"Wouldn't that be you the secret spy of the enemy"

Since they both didn't know each other, thinking they were enemy spies they defend themselves.

To which spy fox was impressed, but soon both spy fox and monkey penny were getting impatient they round up the bad guys together and spot fix throws the lipstick opening it and they knock them out with knock out gas.

The bad guys cough but then collapse falling asleep...

"Call the chief tell him, we're bringing in the bad guys" spy fox says.

"Call the chief tell him, we're bringing in the bad guys" spy fox says

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THE BAD GUYS IN: SPY Fox: "Operation Ozone" Where stories live. Discover now